Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them had plaited scraps of cloth in their long black hair and all wore beads around their necks .
2 Many witnesses had placed Drew in Cross Street between 2pm and 5.30pm .
3 It might alienate the clients who had hated Bambi as kids .
4 Among the lands earlier ceded to the abbey of St Denis was the Vexin français , that natural bulwark between the French royal demesne and the now hostile Norman duchy , which had been held as a Norman fief , had formed part of Simon de Crépy 's state ( see p. 216 ) , and finally was reclaimed for the French crown by Philip I. The Vexin had had a comital family , in origin probably the advocates for the abbey ; but Philip had bypassed their claims , granting the territory to the young prince Louis , who met with such opposition in the area that it was not until 1119 that his possession was secured .
5 Earlier general strikes had paralysed Greece on June 6 and July 4 in protest at austerity measures and an economic development bill which was subsequently adopted by parliament on July 23 .
6 Aristotle had treated Carthage at length as a Greek polis .
7 The Tehran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) claimed that Shia forces had repulsed attacks on Amara and Nasiriyah .
8 Frans Hals had painted portraits of girls who could only be described as plain , but something lively and piquant redeemed them .
9 Here , on a nine-mile reef just off the coast , boyfriend Cuan had taught Elizabeth to scuba-dive .
10 The investigation had gathered momentum in mid-April , following leads provided during his questioning by Mario Chiesa , who had been arrested at the end of February [ see p. 38824 ] .
11 Sophie concentrated on the sweetness of the apple and by the time she had gathered drops of juice along her tongue , Lori was below her , lying on the turf and crying because she had fallen in the near-dark .
12 He had attacked the ‘ Gothic ’ school at the Institute in 1856 , and this had provoked replies from Scott and other supporters of the Gothic Revival in the columns of The Builder .
13 The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster .
14 The visit , albeit unofficial , had provoked expressions of concern from the Chinese ambassador in Moscow .
15 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
16 Made on exceptional budgets of around £100,000 after Gaumont-British had arranged distribution through Fox , neither Jew Süss ( 1934 , Power in US ) nor The Tunnel ( 1936 , Transatlantic Tunnel in US ) had much to do with Britain .
17 Only a third of LEAs had arranged any training for social services departments about the purpose and procedures of the 1981 Act , and only a few more ( 38 per cent ) had arranged training for health authorities .
18 Michoacán had witnessed months of demonstrations and protests by supporters of the Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) , who claimed that the PRI had cheated them of victory in the July 12 state elections [ see pp. 39000-01 ] .
19 Japan had halted aid to Vietnam following the Vietnamese intervention in Cambodia in 1978 .
20 Some changes to the electoral law had redefined numbers of seats in each of Romania 's 42 counties according to population .
21 In education , the Tories had erected ladders for children to climb .
22 He had developed co-operation with nature , and hence the economical use of time , to a fine art .
23 In three days , the gimcrack furniture had become familiar and the two of them had developed habits of eating and passing time that was consoling , like the lives of spies in a loft .
24 Back in England for Christmas , he wrote some of his finest poems , collected and copied others , and by the end of March had completed manuscripts of Alamein to Zem Zem and a volume of poems .
25 A tiny shaft of surprise jolted through him at the realisation that , this time , he had imputed courage to Isabel 's stoic control instead of calculated coldness .
26 Taylor and Johnson , who had parted company in February 1990 , appeared to reach a rapprochement in mid-January , raising the possibility of a reunited front against ECOMOG .
27 Sampras ' original intention was to appoint as his new coach , Tom Gullikson , w ho a few weeks earlier had parted company from Jennifer Capriati when the Florida prodigy 's father failed to persuade the USTA to pay for more than 30 weeks of work with is daughter during the year .
28 The first leg of the first occasion I had flown horses from Heathrow was made bearable by a bottle of whisky and a regular itinerant groom .
29 The Sikorsky which had flown Hauser from Helsinki to the isolated rendezvous in the Finnish woods stood inside the clearing , its rotors motionless .
30 Despite the death of President Samuel Doe on Sept. 11 at the hands of Prince Yormie Johnson 's rebel group , fighting continued throughout September in the conflict which had ravaged Liberia since December 1989 .
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