Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [noun] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The previous agreement , which had limited steel imports to 18.4 per cent of the US market , and which had expired on Sept. 30 , 1989 , was extended for 2@1/2 years .
2 This was to come to light two years later when the Football Association appointed a commission to inquire into allegations that Sir Henry had offered financial inducements above the legal fees to attract players to Highbury and that he had diverted club funds to his private account .
3 But times had changed since 1898 ; wartime regulations had rationed liquor purchases to one bottle per month per customer .
4 I was dialling it when I heard the door of Flat 2 open and I glanced over my shoulder to see Fenella , who had added pyjama trousers to her stripey shirt , and Lisabeth , in an ankle-length woollen dressing-gown , creeping down the stairs like they were doing a commercial for a new edition of A. A. Milne books .
5 The Yugoslav government presented on June 30 a second package of economic measures designed to restrain the boom in both public and private spending , which had pushed inflation rates to levels approaching 1,000 per cent at the end of 1989 .
6 Nomura Securities , Nikko Securities , Daiwa Securities and Yamaichi Securities were accused by the national tax authorities of having attempted to conceal the fact that they had made compensation payments to certain large clients who had made losses after taking their investment advice .
7 The securities scandal , which broke in June [ see p. 38292 ] , centred upon the discovery that the Nomura , Nikko , Daiwa and Yamaichi securities houses had made compensation payments to important clients who had suffered financial losses as a result of taking their investment advice .
8 In addition she had made suicide threats to a friend , who also telephoned the therapist .
9 The findings were an unwelcome surprise for those who had attributed building faults to high-rise and system-built housing .
10 On June 23 Brady had reiterated US opposition to any raising of the borrowing limit , while acknowledging that some countries wanted to reconsider this .
11 The International Herald Tribune of Jan. 22 quoted US administration officials as saying that they strongly suspected that Israel had supplied cluster bombs to the Ethiopian Air Force .
12 He conquered the man who had got Owen Jones to London and to RADA and to the Old Vic .
13 Second , he argued that Mr Clinton had tied trade policy to domestic economic policy directly .
14 The Kremlin said later that during the course of the conversation , Mr Yeltsin had invited Mr Clinton to a Moscow summit and had also suggested further reductions in nuclear weapons .
15 Jahsaxa had summoned Tammuz Malamute to her office before Zambia turned up for treatment .
16 The Left-wing bias of the Cabinet had enabled Mr Major to ‘ railroad through ’ his proposals on Maastricht which nearly led to the Government 's defeat .
17 I had understood Yalbury Cottage to be a hotel .
18 This was the death that had reduced Mrs Browning to a grief more overt and terrible than she had ever shown before and all around her there were faces nearly as stricken and voices almost as crazed .
19 They had accompanied María Sanchez to a mass at Westminster Cathedral ; the long and , compared with an Orthodox mass , rather colourless service had drained them .
20 Paul , who had accompanied John Postlethwaite to an Anglican service , gave Owen an approving glance .
21 As soon as he had driven Liz Spalding to her small apartment , where she made some basic changes to her appearance , and grabbed a bite to eat , Bodie took her to Linda 's school .
22 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
23 However , on Dec. 17 a spokesman at the Soviet embassy in Baghdad said that Iraq had refused exit visas to Soviet workers whose contracts had not yet expired .
24 On Nov. 18 the Australian authorities announced that Australia had refused refugee status to Ari Ben-Menashe , a self-described former Israeli agent whose accounts of Israeli government arms dealings had been cited in a recent book by Seymour Hersh [ see p. 38550 ] .
25 Instead , she had sworn Mrs Mentiply to secrecy , driven back to Tunbridge Wells to collect her passport , then raced to Dover just in time to catch an early afternoon hovercraft to Boulogne .
26 Whatever concatenation of chance or desire had brought Harry Mack to this place , there was no mystery about the cause of death .
27 The New Musical Express , stumbling after the new wave , advertised bells and full hippy regalia , from the people who had brought Beatle jackets to the young .
28 The reforms introduced after 1905 promised a solution to the rural poverty and land hunger which had brought peasant unrest to the surface in that year .
29 Mr Cunningham had asked Mr Lamont to ‘ extend taxation of income to members of the Royal Family who are currently excluded . ’
30 He also confirmed that he had authorized US aid to Honduras in return for Honduran assistance to the contras , a quid pro quo arrangement first revealed during the trial of Oliver North [ see p. 36649 ] , but he claimed that the linkage within the arrangement had not been made explicit .
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