Example sentences of "had [adv] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To the preparation of both courses of lectures I gave far more attention than I had latterly been giving at Durham . ’
2 Although the borders had officially been closed on May 2 , 1989 , they had since been crossed by large numbers of Somali refugees , some of whom were now returning home .
3 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
4 Heads of departments had thereby been deprived of ‘ a large measure of independence ’ .
5 They had presumably been drawn to Bologna as students and had stayed there to carve themselves out a teaching or professional career .
6 The Society had eventually been eclipsed by the more active and famous Liberation Society .
7 Particularly important were his decision to tie Germany into the Atlantic Alliance externally and his demonstration that the ‘ social market economy ’ could work internally. : both policies had eventually been accepted by the SPD opposition , thus providing a fundamental consensus between the major parties regarding the shape of West Germany .
8 A warrant for Proksch 's arrest had eventually been issued in March 1988 .
9 Under the existing law , helping someone to die was a criminal offence punishable by up to 12 years ' imprisonment , but this had rarely been invoked in recent years amid great public debate and controversy on the ethics and possible modalities of euthanasia .
10 Their contents had mostly been removed to Germany .
11 Just then my sister , who had secretly been listening outside the forge , called to Joe through one of the windows , ‘ You fool !
12 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
13 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
14 Spoiled and wilful she might be at times , but the emotional distance between them caused by the difference in their ages and their forced separation in childhood had slowly been closing over the past two years .
15 One patient was treated with a drug not normally used for the condition after it had successfully been tested on her blood .
16 The Corporation of the City of London had long maintained a non-denominational burial ground , though it had predominantly been used by Dissenters .
17 If the household was identical to the register entry , the elector on whose account the address had been selected had effectively been selected at random , and was therefore nominated for interview .
18 Clearly , there could be no element of surprise , and although the rebel advance had been rapid until then , it had effectively been halted at the gates of Madrid .
19 The two countries had yet to finalize a peace treaty formally ending the conflict which had effectively been halted by the 1988 ceasefire agreement [ see pp. 36568-69 ] .
20 Garang was reported in Le Monde of April 24 to have said that the government push had effectively been halted throughout the south .
21 Accordingly the defendant had effectively been deprived of his right to have the breath specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine in accordance with section 7(4) and , as in Anderton v. Lythgoe , the breath specimen had been inadmissible .
22 The offer had effectively been rejected by Palestinian negotiators at the April bilateral round .
23 Commentators noted that the leadership restructuring was likely in practice to curtail still further the role of both the politburo and central committee in influencing state policy ( already the politburo had effectively been supplanted by Gorbachev 's new Presidential Council — see pp. 37298-99 ) .
24 Bush hailed the verdict as a " victory against the drug lords " but Noriega 's chief attorney Frank Rubino , promising lengthy appeals , stated that it had been a political case ; the defence had effectively been prevented from treating it as such , and the judge had instructed the jury on April 3 not to consider any political aspects of the case .
25 The area had effectively been abandoned as a port in favour of new sites further down the Thames which used the then new technology of roll on/roll off container ships .
26 By the time of the second inquiry the house had effectively been abandoned for nearly twenty years and was suffering from extensive coal mining subsidence ; and it was likely to suffer still more in the future .
27 The area had effectively been abandoned by the authorities , a fact which became clear during the riot itself , when police waited five hours to enter the estate and put down the disturbances .
28 The " Open Skies " policy had been proposed by the United States in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112 ] , and test flights had been made in eastern Europe [ see p. 37201 ] , but talks on its implementation had effectively been suspended in May 1990 after Soviet expressions of reservations over militarily sensitive areas [ see pp. 37267 ; 38255 ] and they had been reconvened only on Sept. 9 , 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
29 Carinish Court had aroused some people 's envy : that at least was true , even if Ralph had perhaps been mistaken about Johnny Redburn 's reaction to the place .
30 The implication of moral blackmail in robbing patient services to pay nurses remained a ghost at the banquet for the media , and for many nurses , who had still to reconcile the jobs they had perhaps been doing for years with the management 's idea of their responsibilities , and the clinical grade to which they aspired .
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