Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At one point , it seemed the Middlesbrough game might not go ahead because fire had badly damaged a stand and shotgun cartridges were found buried in the pitch .
2 Throughout his travels he had met and been impressed by fellow globetrotters from China , and had slowly formulated a plan to create a thorough visual documentation of Chinese civilisation .
3 In 1974 , only 18% of the population had completed primary and 3.6% secondary schooling and 0.8% had successfully completed a university degree .
4 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
5 Originally a three-year trained teacher , by 1976 he had successfully completed a part time B.Phil degree and subsequently had tried , unsuccessfully , to obtain the pastoral experience which he considered to be necessary in order to move up the comprehensive school hierarchy .
6 Real incomes fell by 36 per cent in January , since the government had effectively imposed a wage freeze for the month , with wage increases restricted to one-fifth of the rate of inflation in succeeding months .
7 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
8 Or else he , Preston , had inadvertently torn a hole in the fabric of the universe and the Evil had come seeping through .
9 The dog , who had perhaps feared a pavement perambulation , sniffed the air too and became frisky .
10 1987 ) , it was felt that the police had wrongly considered a theft totalling £1,000 from a large company a serious arrestable offence .
11 Someone had mischievously told a boy that Brenda wanted him .
12 Her real sweetheart was an alcoholic but although he was her one and only true love she had impetuously married a solicitor .
13 Sara Coleridge saw the Wilberforce sons claiming antislavery for their brand of Clapham evangelicalism against Clarkson 's historical interpretation which had literally offered a diagram of numerous branches contributing to the cause .
14 Our neighbour , who had been given a key to check on our house while we had been away , had thoughtfully lit a fire to welcome us home .
15 The parents had n't been offered any sort of advice or counselling ; they had all received a letter from Paul Lee inviting them to come and talk to his department , but no one had offered them any information about their children ; if they wanted that they had to ring up the department and ask for it .
16 The taxi-driver , the waiters , the receptionist , had all shown a willingness to be pleasant .
17 I could see at once that they had all had a skinful .
18 Not surprisingly , they believed they had only made a stab at it , From the start Wave and HHCL were determined to build the campaign around an organisation with a sound commercial and practical justification for funding such advertising ; someone with a vested interest in curbing consumer greed .
19 I had only seen a wall there before , and now my heart leapt when I saw , through the Bride and the Bachelors , through the Milky Way and the Chariot and the Grinder and the Sieves - someone moving .
20 Mr Luck said that the Mail on Sunday 's critic had only seen a rehearsal for the play .
21 Likewise in ( 36 ) saw evokes not mere visual perception but rather an inference which the speaker has drawn about the character of the people in question on the basis of what he has been able to observe of their behaviour or even of their appearance , and so could be said by someone who had only seen a photograph of them .
22 By the end of the year Husayn had only obtained a fraction of the funding he sought .
23 Charles 's beatific smile had only faded a fraction .
24 He also faced the increasingly urgent problem posed by the slow progress of the scholarly revision of the general catalogue of printed books , which , seriously disrupted by the war , had only reached a point early in the letter D. When reporting the matter to the trustees in 1953 , Oldman had to recommend one of two courses : either , having attempted to secure more staff , to press on with revision , or ( as was vigorously advocated by F. C. Francis , the senior of the two keepers serving under Oldman ) , to terminate the work and then reprint volumes photolithographically together with the unrevised remainder , but with accessions from 1905 to 1955 intercalated .
25 Paige had rather liked her cousin 's husband , though they had only met a couple of times .
26 Well , sir , I thought I had only found a cook , but it was a crew I had discovered !
27 There was no embassy in Naples but there was probably some consular representation although the War had only finished a couple of years before and not just Italy but the whole of Europe was hopelessly disorganised .
28 It had only taken a matter of yards for her to acknowledge that her sandals made abysmal hiking boots .
29 They had only taken a step or two when they heard a rustle in the leaves , and a sound like someone huffing under a heavy load .
30 It had only taken a glance to recognise the ship 's chandler , the site corroborated by the smell of tarred rope ; the same with Mick 's Bar and Johnson 's store .
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