Example sentences of "had [be] [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Foolishly , I had not bothered to carry out any of the psychic protective techniques I had been taught as a ‘ probationer healer ’ at a school of esoteric studies .
2 The movement 's two leading figures were ( i ) Peter-Michael Diestel , the last East German Interior Minister who had been ousted as the Christian Democrat ( CDU ) parliamentary leader in Brandenburg earlier in the year for defending former informers of the East German " Stasi " security police against " one-sided " accusations , and ( ii ) Gregor Gysi , leader of the reformed communist Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) .
3 One possible drawback could be that some people might decide to take an overdose as a result of learning about it through the media or public discussion , even if the behaviour had been presented as an inappropriate way of coping .
4 Asquith 's reform had been presented as an interim measure and the preamble to his Bill stated that the Lords " powers were being curtailed pending the introduction of a reform of their composition .
5 Souza 's commitments were no doubt the more complicated because he had been raised as a Catholic , and had been taught that the eroticism of Hindu religious philosophy was wicked .
6 Lord Widgery ( who had succeeded Lord Parker as Lord Chief Justice ) had been appointed as a one-man tribunal of enquiry to enquire into the events of ‘ Bloody Sunday ’ which led to thirteen civilian deaths in Londonderry .
7 The election result enhanced the stature of Kaifu ( who had been appointed as a caretaker leader in 1989 ) and reduced the amount of factional conflict within the ruling party .
8 It was reported on Sept. 7 , 1989 , that Gen. Rolando Espinoza Lora had been appointed as the new Commander-in-Chief of the Army .
9 Cherubim Rosa Filho had been appointed as the new Chief of Staff of the Air Force .
10 The Iranian News Agency ( IRNA ) reported on July 1 that Ahmad Muhammad Abu Rahimah had been appointed as the United Arab Emirates ' ( UAE ) first ambassador to Iran since the 1979 revolution .
11 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
12 In April 1962 he wrote ‘ Blowin' in the Wind ’ , and within a short space of time he had been adopted as the spokesman of the civil-rights movement .
13 Whistling had been adopted as the language of the world .
14 Until the mid-eighties Denmark Farm had been run as an intensive stock farm which , inevitably , had produced a degraded environment for wildlife — wet meadows and marshes drained ; traditional hay meadows ploughed and reseeded to rye grass ; all wild corners cleared ; and an old orchard , hedgerow and two-acre bluebell wood grubbed out .
15 ‘ State Department officials were unavailable for comment , ’ the New York Times reported , thereby hinting at the source of the leak , but if the story had been aired as a trial balloon , it failed to lift off .
16 ‘ These people had been fighting against their own country , against Marshal Tito who had been recognised as an ally by the British Government , ’ Lord Aldington said .
17 It looked like it had been built as a rag trade sweatshop at the turn of the century and was sandwiched between a musical equipment shop and The Tin Pan Alley Club — which was a notorious music biz drinking den .
18 The hospital had been built as a memorial to King Edward VII and it had seen better days .
19 As for the old houses , there were none in the immediate area that I knew of , other than these which had been built as a nostalgic memento , as a reminder , as a gift both to himself and his family from a man who must have known innately that in discarding the past his people were in danger of losing their touchstone .
20 It was his private theory that Woodfield Council estate had been built as a series of experiments in wind-tunnelling .
21 Riverside General had been built as an overflow hospital for Tewkesbury and Gloucester and surrounding areas .
22 Great Stourford had been built as the ostentatiously fashionable home of a sugar millionaire whose wealth was so substantial and political skill so keen that his grandson was elevated to the title of Lord Chamfer by Queen Victoria .
23 It had been planned as a separate men 's and women 's race , with the latter being sent off 20 minutes earlier , but only Dorre managed to stick to the plan , winning in 2hr 29min 38sec .
24 The day had been planned as a display of condemnation of the recent wave of neo-Nazi attacks on foreigners and Holocaust memorials .
25 The council has also built a new art gallery dedicated to local sculptor , Henry Moore , put in an Olympic-sized pool and demolished the squalid 30s housing estate which had been planned as the largest in Europe — in its place stands the brand new West Yorkshire Playhouse .
26 The national conference which since late 1991 had been planned as the next stage in the democratization process , was on May 8 postponed until later in the year on the grounds that its preparatory commission had not completed its work .
27 The journalists , who were allowed free access to the site and were able to file reports without censorship , found no evidence of a military presence within the bunker which had been constructed as a civilian shelter during the Iran-Iraq war .
28 Graham J found that such information was not readily available and went on to say that the information had been obtained as a result of considerable labour and expense on the part of the plaintiffs and was therefore valuable and , it followed , confidential .
29 The firebombing of the Sherman & Grant office premises had underlined the lesson , while taking care of the possibility that the elder one may have kept the severed finger he had been sent as a warning .
30 The case , which was heard in June 1968 , was n't helped by the fact that two months earlier Lady Althorp had been named as the ‘ other woman ’ in the Shand Kydds ' divorce while most galling of all , her own mother , Ruth , Lady Fermoy sided against her .
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