Example sentences of "had [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At first the spy thought he had stumbled on something worth investigating : Wordsworth carried a telescope , and Coleridge was surveying the river ( he was in fact making notes for a projected long poem , The Brook ) ; furthermore , Coleridge 's oft-repeated references to ‘ Spy Nosy ’ were assumed by the Home Office spy to be aimed at him personally — he had presumably never heard of Spinoza , the philosopher of the moment .
2 Ulster 's opposition to Home Rule long pre-dated Law 's leadership and he had rarely even spoken on Irish affairs in parliament before becoming leader .
3 The hearing on the constitutionality of the CPSU and RCP was terminated , since the parties had effectively not existed since August-September 1991 .
4 It had all just happened in the random way things do .
5 Such borrowing from European civilization had only just begun in 1880 .
6 He left Grace and Peggy behind with the intention of travelling for a while in Europe , but he had only just landed in South Africa when Grace realized that she was going to have another child .
7 Some of them looked as if they had only just risen from their beds , as if this was breakfast time to them ; others had the look of people who had n't slept for a week .
8 Higher education had only just resumed with some semblance of normality after the disruption of the previous decade .
9 One was the common ostrich ; the other was the smaller ‘ petise ’ version that Darwin had only just snatched from the jaws of his shipmates .
10 Mrs McMahon felt herself incapable of assisting Terry to dress because it had only just burst upon her that it was her daughter getting married and she would leave and never be seen again .
11 He had only just gone over there .
12 She must be dreaming , but surely she had only just gone to sleep .
13 For a start , he was driving far too fast , had only just swerved in time to avoid a cyclist , and was now desperately trying to overtake a pale blue Renault , when it was obvious there was n't room , and the road ahead was too winding to see if it was clear .
14 Involuntarily the landlord of the Feathers shivered , peering uncertainly up at this late wayfarer , whose peremptory summons on the front door had recalled him to undo the bolts he had only just shot to .
15 But advice workers in Middlesbrough said they had only just heard of the drug and had no reports of its presence in the county .
16 As expected , she found that subjects were very accurate at distinguishing a sentence they had only just heard from similar sentences with semantic or syntactic changes .
17 It had only just come to be important before the ‘ unnatural ’ town of the industrial revolution conjured up some of the most dramatic and ‘ romanticized ’ of contrasts .
18 Then there was the question of the paternity of Mrs Clancy 's last child : Mr Clancy had only just returned from Egypt after a two-year posting , and — as Peony had pointed out — the child was only 14 months old .
19 Who knows , ’ he pretended that the thought had only just occurred to him , ‘ they might be attacked by bandits . ’
20 ‘ There could be a way to save him , ’ he said , as if the possibility had only just occurred to him .
21 In all the upset and confusion , it had only just occurred to her that , even if this was a self-imposed discipline , her funds were limited .
22 I have n't been to a gym in ages , ’ Vitor said , and frowned as though the omission had only just occurred to him .
23 They had only just recovered from dealing with all the correspondence and presents from the wedding ; six days later , when the pregnancy became official , lorry loads of letters , bibs and baby boots rained down upon them .
24 He had only just recovered from another bout of serious illness and was still extremely weak .
25 Sir Ranulph 's weight had dropped from 14 to 10 stones and he and Dr Stroud , 37 , had only just recovered from the low blood sugar condition hypoglycaemia .
26 It was a comfortable victory and encouraging to see Macdonald , who had only just arrived in Australia to replace Stuart Reid , doing so well so soon .
27 Pronethalol had only just come into clinical use when it was found to produce tumours in mice .
28 Germany predominating , they also shared the iron ore deposits of the Saar basin and Lorraine ( these last had only just come into use , because of the discovery by an English chemist , Thomas , of a way of making steel from iron ore with a high content of phosphorus ) .
29 It was sparsely furnished , for Anne had only just come into her inheritance , but it was newly decorated and clean .
30 He had been shocked by the resentment he had aroused — especially from a group of poets who themselves had only lately moved into the Vale : but he had dug in and dug on , he was no coward and he would not budge , he was determined to see it built , to live in it in the season and to be happy there with his wife and daughter .
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