Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She came to a point where she could see far over the town , she had instinctively gone up following the fleeing daylight , and the mist over there under a sky that was greyish and purplish and darkening again , became apparent because it was being lit up from those distant buildings and streets , the points of light vibrating through the moisture .
2 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
3 And though it had struck her as a slightly odd remark for a man on the brink of marriage to make , she most probably would n't have thought any more about it if he had responded to the way she had light-heartedly picked up on it with his usual unassailable self-assurance .
4 However the Earl John had duly turned up at Edinburgh , with one hundred and fifty men and the information that the enemy had passed well to the east of Doune .
5 Her name had rarely cropped up after that .
6 They had always been a close family and that night they had all ended up in tears after a lengthy talk with their family GP who had come to the house to talk to them about Jennifer 's diagnosis .
7 Although nothing was especially valuable , we had all grown up in that house and these things had special associations .
8 Yet they had all come up with very little .
9 And then back home with Ted and Frieda both asleep and Jo gone , it had all burst up in tears Maggie had squashed down with cigarettes .
10 The legend recounted how seventy translators had worked in independent cells and had all come up with the identical version of the sacred text .
11 In the first week of the forty-day share sale period , the unions only invested £871,000 , and two weeks before the closing date the total had only crept up to £927,500 .
12 He had better catch up on Elinor 's latest batch of instructions .
13 ‘ You had better come up to Lady Merchiston , ’ Theda said , leading the way to the stairs .
14 Recently , we had enough saved up for a nice flat after having lived in one room for a year .
15 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
16 Maxim 's thinking had just begun to catch up with why two armed watchmen — the ones outside his own flat had n't been armed — had suddenly turned up in the service road of Neptune Court .
17 There was a burst of male laughter from the bar , which had suddenly filled up with men wearing MCC ties ; the day 's play at Lord 's would have ended just about twenty minutes ago .
18 As they passed close to the couple at table both the women recoiled as if the Devil himself had suddenly sprung up between them .
19 Now I was about to meet him again , it was as if I had suddenly woken up from a syrupy dream .
20 When he rang Joanne to check Nigel 's movements in the week before Steen 's death , a strange female voice answered and informed him that Miss Menzies had already gone up to Scotland for her Christmas holidays .
21 Some businesses vowed they would be back today and a number of ‘ business as usual ’ signs had already gone up around shop windows .
22 Although the PM had only recently arrived in Downing Street , she had already boned up on its history and as she led us round she spoke of Pitt and Walpole , Disraeli and Gladstone , and of their connection with this tapestry or picture or that room .
23 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
24 During this ceaseless pursuit of the right métier for my particular brand of foolishness , I had already pitched up for a Telethon trailer to flamenco dance for the cause .
25 One day Mary asked her father for money for a pop concert which she had already booked up with a friend without consulting him .
26 In December 1922 he resigned graciously to return to his large goods store which had already started up in June .
27 By this time , Sinead had already linked up with Farrelly in Dublin
28 Some of those problems had already shown up on the print-outs , let alone from the drivers .
29 Mr. Maton had worked for many years as a solicitor 's clerk , he had not turned up for work that day , the young man sent to check the reason had found Mr. Maton dead in the kitchen , the small loaf collected on his way home from work the previous evening still in its wrapping on the table .
30 Emily Lightbody had not turned up for work since the preceding Friday , a rare occurrence in all her thirty years of service .
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