Example sentences of "had [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 those there , cos those are the ones I had for the European elections
2 But also by 1967 , expenditure on education had for the first time in history equalled that on defence .
3 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
4 The Yugoslavian authorities announced on Feb. 20 that Army units stationed in the province of Kosovo had for the first time been given specific orders to quell a renewed wave of unrest among ethnic Albanians in the province .
5 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
6 In its annual report published on Oct. 2 the Fund confirmed that in the 12 months ended April 30 , 1991 , it had for the first time since 1984-85 made more disbursements ( 6,823 million special drawing rights : SDR1=US$1.365 as at Oct. 2 ) than it had received through repurchases or repayments ( SDR5,608 million ) .
7 The deputy chairman of the UN Special Commission on Iraq , Robert Galucci , said in Bahrain on Jan. 14 that Iraq had for the first time admitted " pursuing a production-scale centrifuge enrichment programme rather than simply a research programme " , after UN inspectors confronted Iraqi officials with evidence supplied by Germany showing the involvement of German firms in this programme .
8 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
9 From 1865 , however , the foreign office had for the first time a department concerned entirely with commercial affairs .
10 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
11 Matisse , as has been seen , had for the past years been turning to the work of Cézanne for inspiration , and by 1906 Derain was looking at his work also , so that it was only natural that Braque , who had discovered Fauvism through them , should once again follow their example , although he was already well acquainted with Cézanne 's work .
12 She was known to all in the French Quarter for her good looks , her own hard-luck story ( two marriages , two troubled kids , a problem with drink ) and the soft spot she had for the hard-luck stories of others , poets in particular .
13 Yes well , for the experimental aircraft programme British Aerospace specified what G E C had to do and er a a this time , if you like , Deutsch Aerospace has taken on the equivalent role that B A E had for the experimental aircraft programme and er Deutsch Aerospace are not without experience in flight controls they have .
14 Lévi-Strauss saw structuralism as playing the same role for the social sciences as nuclear physics had for the physical sciences .
15 They went to Joseph Hyde — probably because he was the one connection they had between the Irish organization and me , and then they nearly beat him to death just so Lee could make his report to you .
16 The easy , informed arguments they had about the Kesselring case proved him wrong : as they talked , the two of them might have been no more than friendly colleagues .
17 Any other ideas that anybody had about the little dog ?
18 Gracey 's British Indian forces eventually totalled over twenty thousand men ; and by December 1945 the French had about the same number in Vietnam .
19 General Giap had about the same number of soldiers , but these were reinforced by para-military elements .
20 Professional families in Liverpool had about the same age at death as labourers in Wiltshire ( table 2.2 ) .
21 When Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister , in 1937 , he had as the Foreign Secretary , Anthony Eden , a very able minister of considerable repute , which fact probably accounted for the fact that he remained as Foreign Secretary despite the clear differences of opinion that became apparent between them .
22 If , as they fervently hope , Waqar Younis has recovered sufficiently from the stress fracture in his back to bowl as he did in taking 113 first-class wickets last season at a cost of 14 each — a wicket for every 30 balls he bowled — and Imran 's shoulder injury permits him , after all , to play as more than just a batsman-captain , theirs will be a fast bowling attack as strong , at least on paper , as any the West Indies had during the 16 years of world supremacy which came to an end here last summer .
23 Yorkshire for example may regain the vineyards it had during the warm spell of the fifteenth century .
24 Both parliament and the bishops were intent on ensuring they would never again suffer humiliation at the hands of the Puritans as they had during the Civil War and its aftermath .
25 Or was she behaving again like she had after the strange happenings on Monument Hill ?
26 United lit the fuse for a quality cup tie by giving everything they had against the big boys from the premier league .
27 In James ' view , it could not because it was not , and , as he had throughout the previous decade , he remained implacably opposed to the Soviet regime under Stalin .
28 Even if the units of government are not based upon the counties , people still hark back to the links that they had with the traditional counties .
29 At times I think of the first contacts the people of St Kilda had with the outside world .
30 Yet the case is different with the children in England , for when they emigrate , the vast majority will go to English-speaking countries , and they will have profited from the intimate contact they had with the English life and language . ’
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