Example sentences of "had [verb] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We think the drain cover must have been removed by accident by a farm machine and no-one had realised at the time , ’
2 Headhunting in Britain was imposed — seeming alien at first — in the search for remedies for Britain 's national corporate ills ; in America it had burgeoned at a time of growth and prosperity .
3 Although the Supreme Court had ruled that amendments should be ratified within a reasonable period in order to reflect a contemporaneous consensus — the time limit most usually accepted was seven years — no such restriction had applied at the time when the amendment was first sent to the states for consideration .
4 Baldwin , following the conclusion of certain pacts with Philip Augustus , sought to extricate himself from the possible threat of excommunication and interdict on his lands which he had accepted at the time of the agreement if certain conditions were not fulfilled .
5 Their prosecutors at the trial of the politburo took pleasure in revealing how many cartons of Western cigarettes each of the defendants had possessed at the time of the revolution .
6 A month later , during investigations made by 5 Corps after the repatriations were over ( see Chapter Eleven ) , statements were taken from a number of officers in the Durham Light Infantry and 46 Recce Regiment , describing what they had seen at the time .
7 Girls often had gifts like that , Rosalind Swain had said at the time , especially in adolescence .
8 that 's right , erm she had said at the time when they had raised all this money that er mostly gon na be spent on erm
9 Would he have flung the bitter allegations and repeated the damning indictment of her which he had made at the time of Simon 's death ?
10 She had felt at the time that he was ‘ pretty borderline for special school ’ .
11 My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving .
12 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
13 I had thought at the time she had been referring to an officer on some survey vessel , the British Antarctic Survey 's supply ship perhaps , or else a pelagic fisherman or whaler , even an Antarctic explorer .
14 Kopp testified that she had thought at the time that the information was based on " rumours from banking circles " .
15 The crash had occurred at a time of clear visibility and good weather conditions .
16 In 1927 Welford Beaton was left in no doubt that the motion picture was ‘ a throbbing , living , human thing ’ after Janet Gaynor 's performance in Frank Borzage 's Seventh Heaven and especially by her grief as her husband left for the war ; Beaton had cried at the time and even as he wrote the spell was not broken .
17 He had laughed at the time , but the way his stomach was behaving now , he began to fear they had not been jesting .
18 They were slightly embarrassed that he had been left out , but had agreed at the time that there was no sense in phoning him at home because he would have nothing useful to say .
19 The issue , which had allowed successive governments to mobilize national sentiment , had surfaced at a time when Serrano 's popularity ratings were at an all-time low .
20 We do not know precisely what stage the likelihood of significant harm had reached at the time when Thorpe J. gave his judgment on 12 May 1992 , but , he spoke of the need to strike
21 He had skilfully evaded Margie 's questions , moving on to talk instead about Kurt Eklund , the financial genius he had hired after Greg 's death to help him avoid what had seemed at the time almost certain ruin .
22 It was strange ; everything he had done on the programme had seemed at the time to be imbued with an exact sense of logic and purposiveness , but now that he looked back on it , all the logical connections had disappeared , like secret writing when the special lamp is taken away .
23 Maybe , if she had been a little older or more sophisticated , she might have been able to cope with what had seemed at the time to be a never-ending series of disasters .
24 The murderer thought about it , still finding it almost as amusing as it had seemed at the time ; the murderer 's sense of humour was childlike , adolescent at the best , but secretive .
25 Despite what had happened between them , because it had been what she had wanted at the time and because Rune had been a generous and not over-demanding lover , and because she loved him , her own sense of self-esteem had remained whole .
26 It had happened at a time when all I had to offer him was absolute misery for both of us .
27 About 80% had always had an off-farm job and of the others most had started at a time of extra financial pressure on the farm , for example low prices for produce , loss due to weather or stock health problems .
28 It was n't that the song had a particular relevance — it was n't about AIDS — but it was a song that I felt was the best way of expressing myself and also the best thing I had to offer at the time .
29 They contained no nasty surprises , since the board had warned at the time of the Evode bid that profits would fall to £86 million .
30 Read what the movement 's spokesman had to say at the time .
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