Example sentences of "had [verb] that such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Aid donors had recently taken a tough stance in particular with the Sudanese government for preventing relief aircraft from reaching areas in the largely Christian south , where the civil war against the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) was at its height ; the Sudanese had claimed that such relief was being used to aid the rebels .
2 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
3 He had discussed it often with Helen and both had agreed that such frankness was a necessary act of truth-telling between them .
4 Indeed in April he had proved that such reading was an art : the Sitwells had organized an evening for the Free French in the Aeolian Hall , and in front of the Queen he gave a memorable and dramatic performance of " What the Thunder Said " .
5 Although the draft reaffirmed the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , it proposed that foreign affairs , security and home affairs would come within the ambit of EC institutions , unlike the earlier Luxembourg draft , which had proposed that such areas be subject to intergovernmental co-operation .
6 Previous reports had suggested that such subgroups of patients did well in terms of survival in the short and medium term after transplantation , assuming that the development of renal failure requiring dialysis had not occurred before receiving a suitable organ , and quality of life has been shown to increase in absolute terms after such a procedure .
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