Example sentences of "had [verb] in the house " in BNC.

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1 So he had to wait in the house and er now it 's bed time now .
2 A Catholic family who had squatted in the house was evicted to make room for her , and a number of other Catholic families in the area were also denied houses .
3 It had been given to her in case an emergency arose , but it seemed to Mrs Blakey that the atmosphere which had developed in the house could n't be called an emergency .
4 A tall thin guy I had seen in the house before crawled on all fours in front of the television to get at Nicola 's joint .
5 522 , the plaintiff sued the defendant , a Member of Parliament , for an alleged libel on television and sought to introduce evidence of what the defendant had said in the House of Commons as proof of malice .
6 They followed Miss Williams 's directions to the Morgan family , and knocked on the door , being let in promptly by the stocky WPC who had stayed in the house with the women of the Morgan family .
7 For two nights Alison had stayed in the house , couching upstairs with Jack , while Franca slept downstairs in her boudoir .
8 Moran began to see how little Maggie had to do in the house and that she needed money for dances and clothes now .
9 Only when he came through the trees and round the small hill that sheltered the house , only then did he see the soldiers who had camped in the house and the grounds .
10 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
11 For almost a month she had remained in the house , eating and sleeping and sitting , submitting to Lyddy 's hairbrush , practising her daily ration at the piano , performing her daily ration upon tapestry canvas , running endless little errands for Aunt Emily , trying to make her handwriting more ladylike , her movements more graceful .
12 Mr John Bevan , prosecuting , had said that the Johnsons had lived in the house for many years but feared fire and burglars .
13 She said the woman had lived in the house for about nine years and the man for about two .
14 By this time , Joan had married Edward Young , an architect in Lulling known to the Bassetts since childhood , and the young couple had lived in the house ever since .
15 A handgun had fired in the house .
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