Example sentences of "had [verb] the [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The indications are that , in Castro 's eyes , the failure of the April 1958 general strike had exposed the political and organisational unreliability of many moderate 26th July Movement leaders ( Szulc : 1986 , p. 352 ) .
2 to back him through thick and thin , but not before I had consulted the eight or nine senior legal Members ( some of them more distinguished at the Bar than myself ) and got their promises of support .
3 Peter Thomson had won the 1954 and 1956 British Opens with Cecil Timms .
4 If Wooderson was any different from his fellows it was that he tried harder ; he had the old equivalent of tunnel vision , enhanced by a coach , Albert Hill , who had won the 800 and 1500 metres at a single Olympics .
5 The representative principle had superseded the ministerial and the personal .
6 In my job , I had expected the sick and the dying to trust God , and I had come to the Sahara hoping to discover whether I myself would keep the faith in adverse circumstances .
7 She enjoyed its lack of significance , much as she had enjoyed the bleak and dirty corridors of Battersby Grammar School when she was eleven years old .
8 Professor Pacey had epitomised the forties as one of ‘ vacillation and disillusionment , ’ but the tide had indeed commenced to turn , a new era was opening up .
9 He had shed the first and worst load , and as soon as he lifted his head and made to rise on his knees , Rhun 's arm lifted and sustained him .
10 We told him that he had to have a specific programme … that he had to train the hardest that he had ever done in his life .
11 He had approached the five or six youths , who were hanging around his car , a gold Ford Escort Estate .
12 He had seen the best and the worst .
13 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
14 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
15 ‘ But , darling , suppose I had done the same when I was expecting you ?
16 I told her that I was surprised at that because my Mum had said the same and I had n't believed her .
17 Angus , who admired guts and gumption , had missed the adventurous and spirited Miranda even more than he expected .
18 Her stepfather , Robert Simpson , had bought the battered and bomb-damaged house for a song just after the war .
19 All over the world , mystics had told the adept that he must die to himself and to all that he knows ; he must experience annihilation and extinction , which the Sufis call 'fana .
20 Merchants trading overseas had to cover the diplomatic and even military expenses which in later centuries would be met by their governments .
21 In there had lurked the defeated and the dispossessed , with hatred in their hearts , their gaze uplifted towards the distant hill where the walls of Carewscourt rose higher and higher with each passing day .
22 ‘ Sometimes they come back , ’ said Rohmer , and now he had drawn the automatic and raised it .
23 the movement had to discuss the ultimate and logical outcome of political action or it would be adding to confusion .
24 There had been calls for the removal , even the court-martialling , of the general concerned , but the army had defended the latter and he had been allowed to complete the campaign .
25 ‘ Mrs Kettering , for instance … ’ she asked after Fosdyke had called the pale and sullen-looking girl wearing glasses and a blue overall from behind the zinc-covered bar to bring vino bianco to the Signora , plus ancora malt whisky con acqua .
26 News that standards had stayed the same or actually fell in several instances is pretty alarming , especially the apparent deterioration in reading skills among less able pupils .
27 Within three months , the refugee from England had become the known and acknowledged assistant of two of the greatest powers in the land .
28 In the last exercise you learnt that to remove a number from one side of an equation you simply had to do the opposite or reverse operation to both sides .
29 I had reached the 11th but was a long way off the green .
30 Mrs Thatcher had established her environmentalist credentials in several speeches and had replaced the true-blue but ungreen Nicholas Ridley with the practically viridescent Chris Patten as Environment Secretary .
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