Example sentences of "had [verb] her [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Suu Kyi had led the National League for Democracy ( NLD ) to a landslide election victory in May 1990 [ see pp. 37457-58 ] , but the country 's ruling military junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , which had placed her under house arrest in mid-1989 , prevented the party from forming a government .
2 She 'd felt a warmth go through her , as though he 'd reached out and touched her , an imaginary touch that had filled her with excitement .
3 Had hated her at sight .
4 This was style , as they had taught her at school .
5 He reminded her of a mathematics mistress who had taught her at school .
6 She chuckled at her romanticism : even most of the historians who had taught her at Cambridge sported tattered leather jackets and greasy jeans .
7 Those were the words she would choose , she decided vengefully , after Dame Sybil had tucked her into bed and returned to the hall .
8 A woman , leaning lightly on an ebony and silver cane , was rising slowly from the depths of the high-backed chair that had hidden her from view .
9 Somewhat earlier , Sarah Fyge Egerton complained in poems , admittedly less violent , that her father had banished her from London for publishing ‘ The Female Advocate ’ .
10 Her notebook was there , the piece of paper Cobalt had given her with Barbara Coleman 's Nice address was there , everything she could recall was there except the keys .
11 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
12 She could find only her chequebook and the small , leather-bound directory Jasper had given her for Christmas and into which , to gratify the child , she had painstakingly copied the addresses and phone numbers of friends accumulated throughout a lifetime .
13 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
14 Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed .
15 John gave the leading part , of the woman whose husband is drowned , to a young dancer he had not previously created for , although he had partnered her in Khadra , Sheilah O'Reilly .
16 She said Suzanne had telephoned her from Germany .
17 He thought she was worrying about Midge 's reaction to the news when they had telephoned her from Richie 's flat .
18 She was drawn towards the resilience of a man who offered the possibility of providing something which had eluded her during childhood — the exclusive love of a parent .
19 She had been no worse and no better than the three women who had preceded her in Alexandra 's life , all driven away in the end by the isolation and the powerful ghosts .
20 Scarlet , though not reassured by her words , was touched by her gesture until she saw that Camille was merely reaching for the crisp packet and had patted her in passing .
21 In all the desperate , toiling years she had been in Canada , neither her husband nor her son had ever made themselves a meal , except on one or two occasions when illness had confined her to bed .
22 Miss Maynard 's invitation had caught her off guard .
23 And because , somehow , Luke Hunter had caught her off balance with his flowers and cryptic messages .
24 By the end of November John Major had succeeded her as leader of the Conservative Party , a post she had held for nearly 16 years , and as Prime Minister , an office she had held since 1979 .
25 And , while her mother had recommended her to Romano de Sciorto , she knew that he 'd run a thorough , ruthless check on her credentials through his London contacts .
26 She would have no trouble in finding a tenant for the cottage ; already Simon Clifford , a neighbour , had approached her on behalf of an acquaintance of his who was looking for a place in the area .
27 She knew this woman had reminded her of Tommy Bellinger !
28 He had phoned her at Milton Buildings , saying that he had a routine enquiry to make about the Datsun , would have asked for Mr Marius Steen but , owing to the recent regrettable happening , wondered if she could help .
29 Luke had met her at Euston .
30 Francesca 's much publicized affair with Senator Michael O'Brien was the reason that she had been sent home rather early from a tour of duty in the Embassy in Washington , over a year previously , just before he had met her in London .
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