Example sentences of "had [verb] him [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His years as a sculptor had taught him to see the human figure in solid , three-dimensional form , and his people now have necks like columns , oval or elongated faces and noses sharply drawn , as if cut into the planes of the face .
2 Involuntarily the landlord of the Feathers shivered , peering uncertainly up at this late wayfarer , whose peremptory summons on the front door had recalled him to undo the bolts he had only just shot to .
3 The second early influence came from his brother-in-law , William Jackson , a blind priest , who had joined him to develop the work among the blind .
4 Cornelius signalled by a flicker of one eyebrow that he knew Harry had expected him to say the exact reverse .
5 No one had expected him to survive a massive cerebral haemorrhage
6 She had expected him to get a water-taxi , but he turned right and walked along the fondamenta , matching his stride to her slower pace .
7 This was the second attempt to install the liberal Komissarov in the post : in January Moscow city soviet had nominated him to replace the hardliner Pyotr Bogdanov , but the USSR Interior Ministry had rejected the nomination on the grounds that it had not been consulted , and had ordered Bogdanov to remain in the post .
8 The Colonel had trusted him to rid the Chairman of the darts of the writer with the poisoned pen .
9 The power that had selected him to fulfil the prophecy .
10 In December 1855 , he had instructed him to design a large extension to the Ordnance Office in Pall Mall to form a new War Department .
11 My driver was under the impression that I had instructed him to break the world land-speed record .
12 Unfortunately , it was his high principles that had obliged him to reject the daughter he loved ; a sad deed that had left its mark on him .
13 What was worse , wearing it had obliged him to fasten the top button of his shirt , an exercise which had drawn his attention to an extra half inch of fat his neck had gained since the last such occasion .
14 Charles 's best general , Lord George Murray , had persuaded him to take the south-west route into England , to keep the Pennines between himself and Field Marshal Wade , and the Jacobites therefore advanced on Carlisle , while the deputy-mayor and clergy observed their approach apprehensively through ‘ a very large spying glass ’ from the cathedral tower .
15 In one instance , it was believed in the family that one sister had visited their father during his final illness and had persuaded him to make a new will in her favour , directing his hand as he signed it .
16 Her love for him was intense and her sense of loss was as great when he was tragically killed in a crash on the way to visit her in New York a matter of months after winning the world middleweight title ; Piaf had persuaded him to make the trip .
17 Prince Rainbow had the power of the sky and the power of the hills and Frith had told him to order the world as he thought best .
18 While she spoke , she remembered Maxie 's grumble from behind his newspaper , the last time he had been home , when she had told him to do the leaves .
19 Then the professor and Isobel , both young and enthusiastic , had helped him to choose a likely publisher to whom to send it .
20 Richard rather liked Willis 's pictures , and had got him to do a pen and wash drawing of Lord Jim .
21 Someone — he ca n't remember who — had dared him to attend a service .
22 Timothy Gedge had used him to practise a fantasy on .
23 Lancashire they used to call it and , we used to , they used to set one on at first and then , as he knocked , if he could knock one off his feet onto his two feet , then he had to help him to knock the others over as they come in close and er , I know they do n't sound nothing like , you know , now but er , in them days we use to think it was great .
24 If anyone had asked him , Peter would have said that the Mollands had invited him to spend the summer with them at Abbotsfield simply for the pleasure of his company .
25 He pointed out that the American Physical Society had invited him to give the talk , that he had completed a three — year research programme , having done all the necessary cross checks and controls , and had definitive results to present .
26 She had invited him to share the meal .
27 Angel One 's T'ai Chi mind disciplines had enabled him to subjugate the pain and stiffness of his physical injuries , sufficiently for his body to operate at near maximum efficiency .
28 She considered the insane unmentionable , and the care of them the least attractive area of the medical profession , but in accepting the position in Claybury 's Private Asylum the financial rewards had enabled him to buy a house in Calvert Terrace , just off Myddelton Square , an address which certainly won Maud 's approval .
29 But surely only his perfect oblivious innocence of all evil including pain had enabled him to survive the journey down .
30 Once , that was after Maman had gone , and when his own mother was distant , she had compelled him to eat a whole snail , slashing his legs with a nettle till he obeyed , and the stinging of the nettle really enlivened his dancing .
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