Example sentences of "had [verb] up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if all the stifled rebellion on which the great flat and heavy city had pressed with its pompous facades since the time of those artisans whom Peter the Great had sent to perish in building it in the swamp , had boiled up in a single night .
2 Either he left when he discovered the pregnancy , or he had already gone , or the relationship had broken up in the first year or two after having the baby , when he had been unwilling or unable to settle down and take the responsibility .
3 If the liquid was meant to flow into the chamber from some high point on the hillside and then out to the tank supplying the house , it had given up in the hot weather and was no longer doing so .
4 The collar-points of his white shirt had rolled up in the heat .
5 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
6 Innes McInnes was obviously a soup-meat-cheese man from way back , but had come up in the world .
7 One of Ken 's aunts had come up in the world and arrived at the cemetery wearing a fur coat which was donned purely and simply to impress the other members of the family .
8 She had to stand up in the midst of a certain amount of pomp and ceremony and address a large audience , which included her own family , her husband , the Prime Minister , the Lord Mayor and a host of City dignitaries , many of them accomplished public speakers themselves .
9 There had been long periods when I could only enter you and come in you by secretly pretending to myself that I did not know you , that you were a tart I had picked up in a bar — or on the street corner .
10 Ken particularly liked the story Orton told him about a man he had picked up in a lavatory and asked him if he did it often .
11 I made my way to an hotel lounge in the Diamond , where I sat and read a leaflet I had picked up in the church .
12 Since a few ladies who had been at the tea would also be at the committee meeting , and , anyway , Boyd had messed up her best black afternoon dress , she wore now a pretty gown in green wool which she had picked up in the last sale at Eaton 's .
13 This time it was fish and chips which Mrs Wormwood had picked up in the fish and chip shop on her way home from bingo .
14 He relished hearing the stories that Orton told of masturbatory sessions in public lavatories , of men he had picked up in the street , of having sex in shop doorways , of the sizes of his acquaintances ' organs and of his experiences with venereal disease .
15 This was more a psychological war of attrition than a physical threat , but it was on just such an occasion that we used what might be called our only " weapons " — a couple of pairs of plastic , luminous , blood-shot eyes which I had picked up in an American novelty store over Halloween .
16 Her ankle boots she had picked up in an army surplus store , and were the most comfortable she had ever possessed .
17 The sense of his living in a closed world , stylistically speaking , is beautifully conveyed when Falstaff , frustrated in his attempts to get a simple answer to a simple question , wanting to know his ‘ happy news ’ , is forced to move up to Pistol 's manner : — an effect not unlike that if W. C. Fields had turned up in a performance of Mourning Becomes Electra !
18 He had grown up in a quasi-syndicalist tradition in the Liverpool docks , and his influence in the sixties had been thrown behind the growth of the shop-stewards movement and local plant bargaining on a devolved basis very much on the lines of the 1968 Donovan Report .
19 So she had grown up in a cold , almost emotionally empty vacuum .
20 But if you were Jewish , and had grown up in a strict kosher home it might be difficult to accept , even if you now had a broader view through your conversion to Christ .
21 It was not that this could be attributed to a weakening of moral fibre on their part , but rather that they had grown up in a society in which there were few straightforward moral guidelines , and into ‘ a community which is thoroughly confused about morals , and … their behaviour reflects that confusion ’ .
22 Daughter of a Spanish nobleman who had been an officer in the army of Napoleon I , and who had also held a post as Court Chamberlain , Eugénie had grown up in an atmosphere which was hopeful of , and sympathetic to , a Bonapartist restoration , her father having always remained faithful to the Bonaparte dynasty .
23 Such a proposal is now of another era , however , and I was present when an ex-Dean of Academic Studies at the college presented a paper ( Stead 1980 ) attacking the trend to expensive , amalgamated police units which had grown up in the previous two decades .
24 Only gradually did it dawn on those responsible that vigorous and determined nationalist organizations had grown up in the shadow of the Japanese , that these movements had flourished exceedingly in the vacuum left by the collapse of Japanese power , and that if the colonial regimes were to be reconstituted it could only be by force .
25 There had grown up in the Commandos a tradition that to be a tough regiment it was necessary to act tough all the time in the barracks and on leave , and they were liable to be badly dressed , ill disciplined and noisy in the streets and restaurants of Cairo .
26 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
27 The intellectual and emotional leader of that original collective was Fred Newman , a Korean war veteran , who had grown up in the Bronx , held a PhD in the philosophy of science from Stanford and abruptly turned to Marxism in the mid-1960s .
28 He had grown up in the splendid sixties , had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth , enjoyed whatever he did to the hilt and was enough of a gentleman never to look back .
29 Out of habit the Brigadier treated everybody as though they were local National Service boys who had grown up in the village and so knew every blade of grass as well as he did but who might be a bit hazy about certain family backgrounds and about things that had happened before their time .
30 He had grown up in the slums of Harlem and had been a promising middleweight fighter in the late fifties before the lure of alcohol had devastated his career .
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