Example sentences of "had [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lorton had jumped up on the gazebo .
2 I immediately asked Dennis if he was OK , and pointed out that I thought that the ball had jumped up from a good length .
3 Everyone crowded in and Maria had to sit up on the ledge of the window to be seen and heard .
4 It was as if all the stifled rebellion on which the great flat and heavy city had pressed with its pompous facades since the time of those artisans whom Peter the Great had sent to perish in building it in the swamp , had boiled up in a single night .
5 ‘ I have n't actually met Frank yet ; he was appointed after we had broken up for the summer , ’ said Black .
6 School had broken up on the Thursday of that week , and on Friday evening Cassie saw Ben at his car , packing his holiday luggage in the boot .
7 Either he left when he discovered the pregnancy , or he had already gone , or the relationship had broken up in the first year or two after having the baby , when he had been unwilling or unable to settle down and take the responsibility .
8 The activists had given up on a people 's peace — and they were not yet ready to explore the possibilities of a people 's war .
9 It seemed that NoS was going to be the first to tap the huge reservoir of people who had given up on the papers altogether .
10 Pete had given up on the stew and was eating the pudding .
11 In a press conference on Aug. 1 Danforth stated that he " had given up on the administration " but that he intended to introduce his compromise bill when Congress reconvened from its summer recess .
12 If the liquid was meant to flow into the chamber from some high point on the hillside and then out to the tank supplying the house , it had given up in the hot weather and was no longer doing so .
13 Meanwhile , I had to go up into the roof and push down the ballcock when things went wrong .
14 Had to go up to a hundred .
15 feet of the cow was not in the original photograph so I had to go up to a a farm and ask for straw to hide the
16 Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels .
17 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
18 This man and my father had joined up on the same day , they went to the same school , played football together , both courted my mother and both fell in love with her — and she ended up marrying them both .
19 What neither German radio nor the public knew was that the Duke of Buccleuch was placed under house arrest on his estates in Scotland , several aristocrats were personally warned by Churchill that if they talked of peace they would be jailed , and Lord Londonderry was questioned inconclusively about a meeting that was alleged to have taken place on his Mountstewart estate in Northern Ireland with four German agents who had travelled up through the Free State .
20 The train was hauled by BR Standard 75069 , and was formed of five goods brakevans comprising one LMS , one SR , one GWR ‘ Toad ’ and two BR Types of van which give ample space for the party of 43 that were carried , the majority of whom had travelled up from the Bath-Bristol area by coach .
21 We had booked up for the ordinary ship and , and rail you know , to go over by ship and rail but er during the months awaiting the , I think we were going in July and er we had booked up maybe about April , but they had put these planes on and Polytechnic wrote to us and said , if we paid two pounds ten extra , we could go by air and we did it and the full tour for a week in Paris , going by air , was twelve pounds ten .
22 His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes .
23 And , as the big metal bird had lifted up into the sky , two heavy hands had taken her by the shoulders .
24 Sara carefully separated her gloves which she had rolled up into a ball .
25 The collar-points of his white shirt had rolled up in the heat .
26 Lucy had curled up on a pile of old throwouts in the corner of the Wardrobe department , and had pulled some of them over herself like a burrowing animal .
27 Fenella , who had never seen a map quite like this one , had curled up on the floor to listen .
28 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
29 Thus all rations for the men at the front had to come up on the backs of other men .
30 The combined force of the rhythm section and the group 's percussive sound meant that Tyson had to come up with a different approach to his playing .
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