Example sentences of "had [verb] up a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This morning I had to connect up a video for Caroline to use and all the leads , every single lead we 've got , to connect any machine to any machine , were all bundled in like a load missing , and it took me what , five minutes to find the right leads and connect the machines up .
2 He ran the pub with his wife , an Irish woman who was known as Mrs Nora , and whose reputation along the docks had been assured the day she had broken up a brawl between a huge Turk who had just knifed two men , and a dozen of the wounded men 's shipmates .
3 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
4 He had picked up a fare in the City — an army deserter called Percy Toplis , who asked to be driven to Basingstoke .
5 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
6 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
7 His skin had picked up a glow from the lilies on the table .
8 His reputation as a hard man — he had picked up a conviction for GBH — had won him work on the bouncer circuit and the title ‘ King of the Bouncers ’ .
9 Alice had picked up a spoon ready to ladle out the stew on to a plate , but she paused and looked at her daughter hard as she said , ‘ You do n't know what it 's all about , do you ?
10 The 26-year-old striker later claimed he had picked up a groin injury but then breached club regulations and widened the rift with Wilkinson by failing to turn up for training or treatment on Monday and Tuesday .
11 I had picked up a bit of surgery from him , of course , so here I am .
12 He had picked up a group of experienced hunter-killers from the Phoenix NoGo , and turned them loose on the remaining sandrats .
13 It made it worse when we knew Watson had picked up a shot here .
14 So Katie made the following comment shortly after she had picked up a card showing Mitch from Baywatch :
15 I had picked up a box of letters and was glancing at them , when Frankenstein returned from above and caught me .
16 The wee lass had picked up a cloth and was wiping Hector 's unshaven chin free of grease ; then his hands , and the handle of his knife .
17 He had picked up a book and was standing there , reading it with great concentration — just as if he were in his own armchair at home .
18 Jay had picked up a pattern of sleeplessness over the last five months .
19 One little rascal had picked up a cigarette-end , still burning ( called a dog-end , or dout ) and was puffing away like a steam engine .
20 A final vote showed Tory support remained solid while the LibDems had picked up a handful of votes at Labour 's expense .
21 It was clear that she had picked up a lot from the Prince 's own style , especially the self-deprecating wit .
22 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
23 Jim and Tina had made up a foursome with Jean Hay and Bruce Mackenzie .
24 Cross-examined by Bert Kerrigan , QC , for Murray , Mr Mackie denied that he had made up a pack of lies because he held a grudge against his former boss .
25 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
26 ( Only now do I realize how strong the desire in her for a daughter must have been to cause her to dress her youngest son as a little girl almost until the day he went to school , his fair hair nearly reaching his waist ; yet he had grown up a man . )
27 God , but she had grown up a lot since then .
28 First , we had to set up a structure so we could record all the non-conformances and make sure corrective action was taken .
29 I was clumsy and had to pick up a couple of notes from the floor and wipe the bags where I 'd touched them with a handkerchief .
30 So the first man in the smithy in the morning had to pick up a hammer and strike the anvil three times — just to let the old man know we were on the job .
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