Example sentences of "had [verb] his [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
2 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
3 Two-Dogs had not always been a whisky Navaho , and he had taught his son the stories his father had taught to him .
4 One teacher said that he had taught his class a rhyme for remembering the days between the two testings .
5 Before he had completed his turn the whole sphere was blazing , and two parachutes were unfolding below it .
6 But before he had completed his swing the boy fearfully withdrew his arm and the cane rapped harmlessly on the floor .
7 When it was confirmed that Len Seager had broken his neck a meeting was called with all relevant parties to discuss the case .
8 And though Villa 's lively attack looked the more likely to score , they never looked like recovering after Kiwomya had given his side a deserved lead .
9 Perhaps the heat had given his mind the boost it needed to throw off the dream world that had gradually surrounded him since Paula 's fall into the maw of the Beast .
10 Anpetuwi , which had given his family the gift of love , generation after generation .
11 He had given his mother a false address that time .
12 ‘ Sir Teddy Taylor , ’ he shouted , only to be told that Taylor had done his stuff the day before .
13 Jonadab had made it clear that he had done his son-in-law a favour in allowing him to jump the queue and buy four of his grey shirehorses and now Stephen had to screw up his courage and confess that one was dead .
14 The fact that he chose not to do so was seen as a tacit admission of the widely held view that the foreign policy successes of President George Bush had made his re-election an inevitability .
15 When he had written his autobiography a few years earlier , he had started it with the verse : —
16 When every member of the society had got his house the society was wound up .
17 He had celebrated his birthday a couple of weeks earlier with balloons and four candles on an iced cake , and he was hoping the festivities might be going on indefinitely .
18 If he had regretted his kiss the evening before , how on earth was he going to view what had just happened between them ?
19 Werewolf and I were numbers three and four in the queue and the Sergeant had to tap his watch a couple of times as Werewolf seemed to be requiring more help than the rest of us from Private Boyd in getting his belt on .
20 By the time they had reached his flat the sun was under the yard-arm .
21 The police had found his body the previous afternoon , just before lunch .
22 The disturbances on the borders of Brecon , whether officially encouraged or not , had grown to such proportions that the King had despatched his brother the Earl of Cornwall to the march in haste to try and suppress them , and was himself in the act of setting out from Windsor to join him there .
23 Jovellanos recognized that such assertions of popular sovereignty ‘ destroyed our old constitution ’ by eliminating its monarchical character , yet they were the logical necessities of resistance , practical consequences of the action of a king who , in Toreno 's words , had left his nation an orphan .
24 The man of the house told us that he had to repaint his boat every few weeks as the chemicals stripped it back to bare wood.And his wife complained of burns all up one arm from washing her clothes in contaminated water .
25 I said that was n't the point , that Frank had lost his mind a little because Mazzin and the others in the past had treated him so badly .
26 Haynes was eventually run out for 62 and left the field in tears thinking he had lost his team the match , but by then only three more were needed and Roberts was striking the ball well .
27 Tailler had sent his master the news about the mysterious de Montfort assassin .
28 He has , though , had to adapt his style the more he has progressed in the game .
29 He had learnt his craft the hard way ; after you had shot an Ibizan beach orgy sequence in a studio in Soho on a cold January morning with a load of complaining bimbos and a gay black man coked out of his brains , any other gig was a breeze .
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