Example sentences of "had [verb] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Who could fail to be stirred by the thought of such purpose , reaching back over generations to the men who had gathered on this spot two centuries before ?
2 Temperature — an intense degree of heat — was the route that the big machines , the hot fusion tokamaks , had been following in their attempt to induce the nuclei to meet ; Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had stumbled on another way — intense pressures provided by the natural make-up of solid palladium .
3 After a while it seemed to me amusing that such preparations as a wedding involve should surround the plain , pale husk that was me and that no one had commented on this incongruity .
4 As Caparo showed , there had to be a specific relationship between the function that the defendant was requested to perform and the transaction in relation to which the plaintiff said he had relied on proper performance .
5 The fighting had stopped on 29 April 1945 , and he had spent 11 days in Allied-occupied Austria , leaving on 22 May .
6 Anyway , the show had to go on that night .
7 We had to go on three trains .
8 Pleas for housing made at council meetings , he said , had fallen on deaf ears .
9 For a few seconds she thought her outburst had fallen on deaf ears , then Rune said softly , ‘ Yes , of course , you 're right .
10 The acceptance of the R.A.F. mission , with its hardship of travel to distant and nasty places and audiences of anything but the kind he was humanly fitted to deal with , lonely , cheerless , embarrassed journeys leaving little behind but doubt whether any seed had fallen on good soil ; ali this was in its way an imitation of St. Paul .
11 Their marriages had fallen on stony ground but it seemed to me there was still hope .
12 In May 1856 , two months after his speech in Moscow , the tsar met Nazimov at Brest and discovered that , in the north-west , his words had fallen on fruitful soil .
13 She was not impressed when her spouse informed her there was a member of the gentry below , for the only visitors of that sort to frequent her humble hostelry were those who had fallen on evil times .
14 This vision of a featureless future was not only dreadful in itself , but appeared to mock the efforts of those who , like Job , tried to do God 's will , but had fallen on evil days .
15 It was in the summer of 1959 that a man with untidy hair , a crumpled suit and pens clipped to his outside breast pocket , looking like a schoolmaster who had fallen on hard times , boarded a plane at London Airport for East Berlin .
16 Racking the brains because a friend had fallen on hard times — the engine of his old VW has dropped a valve .
17 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
18 The club had fallen on hard times , and the arrival of a travelling circus of the long hairs , trainee freaks and happening performers seemed like a good idea .
19 There , Stirling heard by radio that Tripoli had fallen on 23 January , and thus Jordan 's mission was vital .
20 By Thursday no Iraqi missile had fallen on Turkish soil , but the debris of a misfired Patriot anti-missile missile had , and air-raid sirens had gone off in Adana .
21 I knew Oscar would have preferred a quieter , less raucous venture , on a weekday perhaps , but I had to work on certain days and those days came up during his visit .
22 Straight after his Open win , Seve had vanished on another crusade , to beat another army , and save another universe . ’
23 ‘ Poor old Home Office ’ , Soskice had minuted on one file .
24 They had sat on opposite sides of the empty fireplace in the drawing room for some time without speaking , each wondering how the subject could be broached .
25 Peirson had resigned on 1st February 1651 , and there were two candidates for the post , William Duncan and Thomas Coombes .
26 That Minton had responded on many levels is evident not only from his paintings but also from an illustrated article which he wrote for Vogue .
27 Ferenczi had reported on little Arpad , who had a great interest and identification with chickens .
28 It is impossible to know how far Lothar 's own personal interests and inclinations determined general policy , but the proceedings of the great general council of the Lateran which was to be held near the end of the pontificate were well in line with what he and others had absorbed on pastoral care at Paris in the last quarter of the twelfth century .
29 After an hour or so of that Malm changed his tack and wanted to know whom Stephen had met on that morning walk , everything he had seen .
30 The memory was triggered by talk of a young woman I had met on one trip who showed me Dyrhólæy and the sea pinnacles of Reynisdrangar near Vik .
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