Example sentences of "had [verb] with [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 There had been an inquest and the coroner had dwelt with what the family considered unnecessary emphasis on the theft of the car and the woman 's motives for driving recklessly about the countryside at the dead of night .
2 More than one witness recalled that it gained height steadily after being launched on several occasions in 1848 , and Stringfellow himself certainly considered that he had demonstrated with it the possibility of powered flight .
3 He had gone with Richard on crusade and had shared with him the hazards of the perilous journey home .
4 He had brought with him the completed manuscript of ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ , and read it to the Wordsworths for the first time , so tradition says , in one of the Alfoxden parlours .
5 He had brought with him the Bishop of Durham , which was mandatory , and which of course Thorfinn had matched by bringing Malduin , flashing an expensive ring of unknown provenance .
6 When the dawn came , anxious viewers on the shore could see that the waves had taken with them the Eddystone lighthouse , its eccentric architect and five other unfortunate souls .
7 However Sharda had a close friend who was West Indian and she had discussed with her the reasons why Asian girls were so frequently attacked and bullied :
8 The little B&B down by the harbour was far more in keeping with the thread of the sea that had kept with me the whole day 's travel from west to east coast Scotland .
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