Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're too hot , ’ continued Jenny , lifting the coat Billie had placed for extra warmth on her bed .
2 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
3 On Sept. 27 Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi announced that as a result of the agreement reached between de Klerk and Mandela , his predominantly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party had withdrawn from constitutional talks .
4 ‘ There are always survivors , ’ she said , and told me about cancer patients given six months to live by conventional doctors , whom she had sustained over several years .
5 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
6 His right foot had to remain at right angles to his leg .
7 In Britain the party system made it necessary for there to be an independent corporation , since broadcasting had to remain outside political conflict .
8 Of women who separated between 1970 and 1974 before the age of 35 , nearly one-quarter had remarried within three years , while just over half had remarried within six years .
9 Among those divorcing between 1977 and 1980 , 52% of women and 67% of men had remarried within 6 years of divorce .
10 The 1988 General Household Survey found that 29% of women and 36% of men divorced during the period 1981–84 had remarried within 2 years of divorce .
11 Of women who separated between 1970 and 1974 before the age of 35 , nearly one-quarter had remarried within three years , while just over half had remarried within six years .
12 She had guessed by that time that , since he had n't yet stated why he 'd waited an hour to see her , he was saving what he 'd come to tell her until they were inside her flat .
13 As he spoke , he reached out for the hand that was nearest to him , uncurling her fingers from the tense fist they had formed without any difficulty as the contact had its inevitable effect on her .
14 And from the distance they looked like small stars of the sky that had formed into new constellations and drifted away on the still water .
15 Nevertheless , in the last analysis he was most influenced by the composite picture he had formed of Iberian art he had seen , although one particular head which remained in the Louvre seems especially relevant to the central figures of the great canvas .
16 Of those companies surveyed , 56 per cent had no formal environmental policy , and only 29 per cent had referred to environmental concerns in their annual reports .
17 Zuno had been convicted at an earlier trial but Rafeedie had set aside the verdict on the grounds that the prosecution had referred in closing arguments to matters not in evidence .
18 They carried the body to the brake compartment and carried on their journey ; others had jumped from that bridge and there would be more .
19 He was probably far gone enough not to realise yet that he had jumped from one box into a smaller one .
20 The flagstones were slippery and so hollowed out by three centuries of passing feet that along some of the walkways the puddles had coalesced into shallow canals .
21 We were greatly influenced by the work of the FMS and some of us had collaborated with that organization back in 1968 during the teachers ' massive strike .
22 Later in that year he had taught for seven weeks in the school ( a replacement master could not start immediately ) and had been paid £7 .
23 A large crowd had gathered since early morning .
24 Who could fail to be stirred by the thought of such purpose , reaching back over generations to the men who had gathered on this spot two centuries before ?
25 With a touching faith in our law-abiding qualities the demonstrators had gathered in large numbers with their eggs and tomatoes around the hospital entrance marked IN .
26 True since the early 1960s the British had gathered in wet fields to hear jazz , and rock and the movie Jazz : On A Summer 's Day with its tantalizing performance by Chuck Berry helped break the hold of cool on popular music .
27 Fr Antony S Kirupakaran , the Director of Santhome Communications Centre and a member of WACC , welcomed film and television professionals who had gathered from different parts of India to attend the festival .
28 Knots of expatriates had gathered around each visitor , eager for news from England .
29 As a senior member of the banking committee in the late 1980s , he had intervened with federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating , while soliciting about $1,000,000 in political contributions from Keating 's Lincoln Savings and Loan Association [ see pp. 37848 ; 37998 ; 38223 ] .
30 The Hindu of Feb. 24 reported that United States officials had intervened in late January to dissuade the Pakistani Army from intervening in Kashmir .
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