Example sentences of "had [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
2 She had to carry along a spare one which belongs to her mum yesterday , in case the one she has had since 1984 became damaged .
3 She is also claiming compensation because doctors had to carry out a lifesaving hysterectomy .
4 Diana had gathered together a small staff who were learning the ropes as fast as she was .
5 For the mid-air leap , Crawford had to drive up a narrow thirty-foot ramp and jump from a height of seven feet over a wall .
6 Gone are the days when you had to slide down a muddy bank and hold an old mercury one at arms length .
7 I felt a little guilty at leaving the Websters , as we had developed quite a good relationship .
8 Many of the Minpins who had flown away a short while before were now returning on their birds .
9 He dominated the conversation , holding the Hackett and Townshend women spellbound as he told of how he had broken up a white-slave ring in Dublin , and how he had rescued an innocent young girl from a fate worse than death .
10 Thus far , Kirov had received only a vague brief about his current project .
11 Rico Gopul , a staff nurse in the villa at the time of the alleged incidents , told the tribunal he had been accused of the same offences as Mr Reid but had received only a written warning .
12 I had given up a good job to go there and when I came back after the adventure I had looked forward to for so long , I was very disappointed with myself .
13 All right , yes , ’ knowing that she would n't be able to do it ; there were so many factors against it : the old woman along the corridor depending on her ; Charlie , who had given up a good part of his life waiting for her .
14 I had had a whole afternoon spent upon me , been the centre of attention , cost the State a fortune and my wife had given up a whole day of precious work to be with me .
15 Dadda he had told , though even to him he had given only a vague location , but he had n't said a word to his grandmother and he was sure Peter would n't have told Uncle Leonard and Auntie Midge .
16 The driver was from the Colonel 's staff , and he had travelled ahead a full month before so that he knew the city , the back-doubles they might need and the side streets .
17 The survey briefing had included only a verbal specification .
18 Barker grew very quickly , and had to work off a tremendous amount of energy every day , and since Danny was much too young to take him out for walks , this duty fell upon Connor .
19 We had to work out a short monologue in the voice of a character , and then afterwards we sat around and were asked who would volunteer to stand up and read their piece .
20 Well aware that she was in a public place , she tried to modify her voice ; only then Willis did n't always hear , and she had to try again a good deal louder .
21 The daughters of Charles the Cheesemonger were still very much around , however , and as the offspring of a man in trade and one who , despite his early death , had enjoyed quite a full working life , they were fairly well-breeched compared to the daughters of their Uncle John .
22 His Pilgrim 's Progress was by far the most popular book in the cottages of the poor , and in Apollyon he had conjured up a monster fit for any fable : scaled , bear-footed , dragon-winged and breathing fire and smoke from a lion 's mouth .
23 From then on , as though that had conjured up a bleak picture of him never having a life with his love , he began to sound quite despairing .
24 It ran down between my eyes and made me see everything blood-red , even though seconds before my mind had conjured up a pleasing vision : the English boy 's sister .
25 The task did n't stop here — Fiona also had to write up a detailed log of the trip , complete with samples , photographs and complex scientific data showing when the river had high and low tides and why it flowed in a certain direction .
26 Somehow , the old man had let out a dangerous secret , one which could not be discussed in a room on an Air Force base .
27 And when she protested she never lay like that and had proceeded to demonstrate how she did lie , crossing her legs and pulling her knees up , she had let out a high squeal when the side of Sister Mary 's hard hand came across her knees in a whacking thump .
28 Billy had come home a physical wreck and it was only when Danny himself took up boxing seriously that his friend regained some of his self-esteem by helping and instructing him .
29 And it seemed Fergie 's ten man heroes had squeezed out a momentous victory until the soccer fates suddenly stabbed them in the back in the pouring rain of Moscow .
30 In the intervals between his military activities Karadjordje had carried on a successful business as a livestock trader , selling pigs across the border into Austria , and he had acquired a modest level of prosperity .
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