Example sentences of "had [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Debra Busuttil will never have another baby because after labour was induced for the dead child doctors had to perform a life-saving hysterectomy .
2 Yolland saw that the BCR had installed a turntable at Stretford Bridge , constructed a platform and upon it had placed a temporary station — presumably a building of some sort .
3 In 1663 an Act of Charles II had placed a partial ban on the importation of foreign cattle to England ; the ban became total in 1666 and permanent in 1680 .
4 The bogus golfers had placed a triangular support under the open end of the decapitated golf-bag and had hammered a notched support into the grout at its base , which still rested on the trolley .
5 In my self-conscious zeal to improve myself , I had placed a regular order for the London Times , not a paper normally stocked by that small newsagent .
6 The court heard he had placed the original bet for a £1 stake and paid 10p tax at Ladbrokes in his home town .
7 Too much emphasis had been placed upon the strengthening of security by military rather than political means , and this had placed an undue burden on the domestic economy .
8 The hook had ripped a great tuft of flesh from his throat .
9 Ten minutes afterwards she had filled every available space on the card with news of her journey and her impressions of beautiful Mariánské Láznë , so that when it came to penning a signature there was barely any room for her own name , let alone room to add Cara 's .
10 All that the Europeans had to do was defeat the existing ruler and proclaim that their own ruler had filled the vacant throne .
11 Mr Ashdown , who loves to tell us that his campaign alone concentrates on ‘ the real issues ’ , had filled the entire broadcast with pictures of himself .
12 Lanfranc himself was only partly converted , and , even in his last days , he was still giving quantities of the bodies of his predecessors , which had filled the old church before the fire of 1067 , to his new foundation of canons outside the walls of the city .
13 Sergio and Bacco from 1206 : he had filled the important office of papal chamberlain .
14 But by the third edition Spock had withdrawn a longish way from the doctrine that natural loving care cures all ills .
15 George Swinson , a sixty-five-year-old sailor , had sustained a serious accident a year previously when he fell from the upper yard of a ship at Portland , Oregon .
16 She had sustained a slight scratch on her neck .
17 The consultant believed Mark had been deliberately shaken , although there was no evidence of bruising or fractures , and he had sustained no lasting damage .
18 The treatment meted out was degrading and she had hated the middle classes ever after .
19 As a child Vidor had hated the Military Academy at San Antonio and he very much wanted to make ‘ an honest war picture ’ that would correct the excessive jingoism of the normal Hollywood war film .
20 Their mother had hated the very thought of anything that could lessen the love between her and Dana , and she had taught her that the bond between them was only imagination on Claudia 's part .
21 He had hated the little brochure that described it — the pathetic attempt to make it look glamorous , the photographs of it , posed , doors open , doors shut , desperately trying not to look like what it was — a square box with hideous speckled seats .
22 In his judgment , Mr Justice Knox suggested that the practice was based on an incorrect interpretation of the law , and that the company disposing of the old asset also had to acquire the new asset .
23 ‘ Elizabeth ’ I got out and , suddenly emboldened , ‘ Like our great queen ’ I added , hoping I had guessed the correct period , thought it did for the present as a well .
24 For an ugly moment I had been convinced she had guessed the real reason for my avid professional interest in Bill Francis .
25 She had dismissed the instinctive feeling before , but it was still there , and Glyn had merely heightened it .
26 The Yenan Koreans had formed a separate party , the New Democratic Party .
27 He might be a roaring flirt of the first water , but already she had formed a solid impression that , whatever else Lubor Ondrus might be , he was most loyal to his employer .
28 Frost , like thickly appliquéd lace medallions , patterned the bedroom window , and water in a cup by the bedside had formed a solid block of ice .
29 Hobbes had formed a close friendship with Gassendi during his meetings with him in Paris , in the circle of scientists and philosophers which centred round Mersenne .
30 Steam from the water had clouded the mirrors in the bathroom ; condensation had formed a dewy veil over the tiles .
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