Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Brian refused to reveal who had approached him about the royal job .
2 Saatchi approach : Southeastern Asset Management , which owns 10.2 per cent of Saatchi & Saatchi , said one or more parties had approached it about a possible restructuring of the advertising group .
3 She 'd been close to panicking when Jeff had phoned her about the Sardinia stint .
4 And , in those pages anyway , the book had said nothing about a split .
5 Lori had said something about a plane to catch , but she had n't said what time .
6 A sheet of rain had come down then , a hard , gusty shower , while they were laying the squares of turf back in place , and Adam had said something about the rain making the grass grow quickly , the rain being on their side .
7 It was years since he had read it but he thought Jung had said something about the universal need for secret societies .
8 Or was it Bridget who had said something about an arrest ?
9 It will be remembered that during the last 30 years of life the King had suffered from a distressing illness that resulted in his being kept under guard and even put into a straight-jacket : if he had said anything about the origin of the instrument it is unlikely that much weight would be given to his words .
10 Their doctor had murmured something about a weak heart , but Lord Grafton had dismissed the warning , saying the physician was an old woman .
11 He first acquired a great deal of Gilbert and Sullivan , because his father was keen on the Savoy operas , but eventually John turned to ballet music because of the tales his parents had told him about the Diaghilev Ballet .
12 What they had told him about the paper was ‘ positively negative ’ — an endless list of what the paper was not going to do , rather than what it was going to do .
13 He could n't bring himself to believe what Ace had told him about the TARDIS 's ability to move .
14 Memories came rushing back of the night when Johnny had described this room ; the night she had told him about the time hiccup .
15 Celia had told him about the Journal , and he realized she would prefer him to turn it down .
16 Huddle had told him about the rogue , turning up in his garish garments and standing on the church steps , offering to sell pardons to those who could afford them .
17 Chopra had told him about the changes transforming the planet , but the shapechanger just smiled knowingly .
18 He apparently was doing some work for her father , David Fairfax , and had told him about the school .
19 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
20 Something Neil had told me about the island .
21 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
22 Mrs Moore had n't understood much of what Sister Duggan had told her about the recurrence of fluid and the aspiration that was again necessary .
23 ‘ You can get out now if you want to , ’ he said , after he had told her about the phone call to Coy .
24 Why had she nearly fainted when I had told her about the letter ?
25 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
26 Amaranth had repeated enough of what Harvey had told her about the motorway to make it worthwhile telephoning his partner in Arden to make local inquiries .
27 He had told her about the cannabis bed a few days ago when they had been walking in the garden and her eyes had widened in shock .
28 Yeah , somebody had told us about a place to go to , asking the bloody earth they were !
29 She said several local residents had contacted her about the application submitted to the council by Anchor International .
30 No one disputes that the Tribune Company , publisher of the Chicago Tribune among other papers , had to do something about the decade-long trickle of losses at the Daily News , America 's oldest tabloid and New York 's largest-circulation newspaper .
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