Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nature , he thought , had intended him for scholarship yet here he was at forty-six , still a small-town tradesman .
2 Mingling with that of David was Anthony 's , sounding far happier and more relaxed than she had heard it for weeks .
3 All the more disappointing therefore to learn later that some Seniors members who had blackballed me for Muirfield had now put in an objection to my joining this club too .
4 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
5 She could find only her chequebook and the small , leather-bound directory Jasper had given her for Christmas and into which , to gratify the child , she had painstakingly copied the addresses and phone numbers of friends accumulated throughout a lifetime .
6 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
7 Five hours later officers admitted the £9,000 Bedford Astra had gone missing before they had checked it for fingerprints .
8 The Imperium had assigned them for life to Quintus , to assist in its uplift .
9 We had booked it for Easter in 1962 , along with two friends from Glasgow .
10 The girl who had interviewed him for Leaders of Mankind .
11 My violin teacher had recommended it for chamber music , and when I found out that on one of the weeks the famous violinist , Ruggiero Ricci , would be there , I was certain that I would go .
12 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
13 After the matinée , she had met him for tea , and he had held her hand , and looked soulful , and told her how innocent she was and how easy it would be to fall in love with her , but how he must n't , he could n't , because he would be leaving and it would n't be fair to her , and anyway , he had his career to think of , etc .
14 Thinking in terms of his mother 's back yard in Hoylake , the washing sagging between poplar trees , Meredith had prepared himself for details of death .
15 No one had seen them for days .
16 He looked happier than I had seen him for weeks and there was colour in his cheeks .
17 ‘ Nicola was happier than I had seen her for months , ’ he said .
18 Most land fell to the peasants who had tilled it for decades and the landlords or rentiers who held large amounts of land , renting it out or tilling it by hired labour .
19 She took one last look at herself in the wardrobe mirror before she pulled on the sheepskin that her father had bought her for Christmas .
20 When police approached Robert Francis , who was in possession of the caravan , he claimed he had bought it for £2,000 from a colleague .
21 And I took it and slew them all : seven thousand warriors and old men , together with women and old women and maidens , for I had consecrated it for Ashtar-Chemosh . ’
22 We bought , we bought him a load of revision books erm from Smith 's er not for maths but for chemistry , biology , physics , ma , not maths something else , Cherry went and bought four of them and Helen had got one for French anyway , so we told him he 's got to erm get down to some serious
23 The momentary weakness had bothered her for weeks afterwards as she worried as to whether she had lost her professionalism along with the opportunity to grill Hugo Varna over the truth about his relationship — and Paula 's — with the man who had died as he lived in a blaze of publicity .
24 No one had used it for years .
25 She had sued him for libel .
26 ‘ Mistress Philippa had invited us for supper . ’
27 Once she had seemed to know a good deal about him , but in her idle rancour of the last few weeks she had abused him for faults that seemed nothing to do with the truth of him .
28 Again , this makes sense only if it is allowed that Kimon had , for several years already , had his rivals : Pericles had prosecuted him for bribery , though the charge was withdrawn .
29 First climbed in 1954 , this classic test-piece had inspired me for decades .
30 They had raised them for generations .
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