Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
2 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
3 She had little doubt that she had allowed her heart to rule her head , and , much as she had enjoyed what had happened between her and David , could she ultimately trust a man who had treated her sister the way he had ?
4 And another wave of chill wrapped her ; yes , she had been left untouched , though she had cleaved to his seal like hot wax and his pigment had painted her stomach the colour of the moon .
5 Two-Dogs had not always been a whisky Navaho , and he had taught his son the stories his father had taught to him .
6 I did n't mean to become so intense about it — I had realised my mistake the previous time — but I needed to keep from pining and working a sixteen-hour day seemed to be the only way I could manage it .
7 By the time Carrie had completed her task the wind had increased in strength from the north and a fierce blizzard was setting in .
8 Before he had completed his turn the whole sphere was blazing , and two parachutes were unfolding below it .
9 But before he had completed his swing the boy fearfully withdrew his arm and the cane rapped harmlessly on the floor .
10 I found the door unlocked as I had given my master the key before I left ; the light was poor but I could see nothing had been disturbed so lay down on the bed , pulling the curtains around me .
11 Perhaps the heat had given his mind the boost it needed to throw off the dream world that had gradually surrounded him since Paula 's fall into the maw of the Beast .
12 Anpetuwi , which had given his family the gift of love , generation after generation .
13 When from the kitchen window I had seen my brother-in-law the councillor walking slowly down the path arm-in-arm with Mrs McLaren , it was the strangest , the most unlikely sight I could possibly have imagined .
14 ‘ Sir Teddy Taylor , ’ he shouted , only to be told that Taylor had done his stuff the day before .
15 The Lowther mines round Workington had made their owner the ‘ richest commoner in England ’ ; and Appleby School was so good that George Washington 's brothers were sent there from Virginia to be educated , and he very nearly followed them himself .
16 Richard Chambers , a fine caver who had helped me photograph the Yordas Cave main chamber , Jeff Clegg and Matt Kirby of the Earby Mines Research Group and myself left the road near Gunnerside Lodge and clanked our way up the old miners ' path along the west side of Gunnerside Gill one damp late September evening .
17 When every member of the society had got his house the society was wound up .
18 If he had regretted his kiss the evening before , how on earth was he going to view what had just happened between them ?
19 I could n't hold the car on the clutch and I rolled back down the hill , getting very embarrassed , especially when a man had to help me push the car up the hill again !
20 If only Esther had shown her daughter the love she craved , Beth would have returned that love , and things would have been so very different .
21 Tallis called , and as if it had understood its name the Green Jack stopped a moment , stared sadly at the woman with the horse .
22 ‘ If I 'd been fitter I would have been sitting next to him on that aeroplane , ’ said heartbroken Fiona , who had nicknamed her lover the ‘ Kiwi Crocodile Dundee . ’
23 By the time they had reached his flat the sun was under the yard-arm .
24 The police had found his body the previous afternoon , just before lunch .
25 Louis ' men had set their roadblock the far side of the bridge from Trent 's observation point — upended ammunition boxes topped by poles cut from the jungle edge and a square white signboard on which Trent could see red letters made indecipherable by the angle of the board to his line of vision .
26 The disturbances on the borders of Brecon , whether officially encouraged or not , had grown to such proportions that the King had despatched his brother the Earl of Cornwall to the march in haste to try and suppress them , and was himself in the act of setting out from Windsor to join him there .
27 He still had the scar now , twenty years later , a long thin groove down the inside of his right forearm , as if he was made of candlewax and someone had run their fingernail the length of it .
28 My aunt , the last survivor of my mother 's family , had lost her sister the previous year , and I helped her to arrange for the sale of most of the contents of her house , and for her own establishment in a club .
29 Haynes was eventually run out for 62 and left the field in tears thinking he had lost his team the match , but by then only three more were needed and Roberts was striking the ball well .
30 Tailler had sent his master the news about the mysterious de Montfort assassin .
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