Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Peggy was aware that many of her sayings were threadbare , she had heard them many times before , but as the comedian said , it was n't what as said , it was the way it was told .
2 They had heard it some time before they reached it , the rumble of thunder growing louder as they approached , to become almost deafening at the point where a cloud of spray hovered overhead , the droplets becoming tiny rainbows as they caught the sun .
3 She did n't know if they had given themselves sufficient time to think things over before they married — that was the kind of question her sister Louise asked .
4 He tried to hide the crease of worry on his features , but when she asked him whether the debtors had given him extra time he frowned and shook his head .
5 Her blue skirt and jacket made her eyes look like azure pools , and she had given herself extra time to wash her hair , which now framed her face with tendrils of spun gold .
6 He said : ‘ He had to see me this time because I had a clue for him . ’
7 In fact , Mum had reprimanded me many times for being Sam 's lap-dog , saying that I was too much under my brother 's rotten influence .
8 I had asked the plumber to come and had reminded him several times and no doubt he would come in the end .
9 Susan had met her several times , and had always said she 'd like to know her better .
10 ‘ If he had stabbed someone 17 times less than an hour before , which I do n't believe he did , he certainly showed not the slightest emotion . ’
11 I had noticed it several times since I left the Monogram Building .
12 And before that , she had seen him several times .
13 The ticket collector had seen it many times and would see it many times more before the railways returned to normal .
14 Although he had done it countless times before there was always a risk involved , especially since the introduction of guard dogs trained to sniff out illegal stowaways like himself .
15 He had done it many times before .
16 By the time she had done it several times , and copied out the postscript , and redone the drawing , it sounded false to her and she lost her nerve completely .
17 ‘ If you go for a soldier ’ — she had said it fifty times — it will stop us getting wed .
18 He had said it several times before and we had stopped believing him .
19 She had visited us many times over a nu number of years and said it was our turn to visit her and we just laughed .
20 She recognised the gun as one her ex-lover had bought her some time before as a form of self-protection , the court heard .
21 The Americans had bought him some time by offering refuge to Colonel Rebu and two other colonels .
22 William Connors had briefed him many times in the past , yet Delaney even now , was unsure of just where Connors fitted into the scheme of things .
23 Celia served the cold cucumber soup hot , and burnt the steak even though Christina had told her numerous times that Stephen liked his steak rare .
24 Emma had told her several times she did not wish to be repaid .
25 If anybody had told me this time last year that we 'd find another pyramid at Giza , I 'd have said they were crazy ’ .
26 She thought now of her daughter-in-law as she had watched her many times , standing motionless in front of the glass in the hall .
27 His name was Reldresal , and he had helped me many times since I had arrived in Lilliput .
28 But look where that had got him last time .
29 ‘ Monsieur Tollet at the sports centre had to leave me several times to deal with queries . ’
30 Fry feared the worst when he arrived for training yesterday morning to find his wife had called him three times already .
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