Example sentences of "had [verb] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deep , deep shit to which Selwyn had referred concerned the collapse of a marina development in which her father had invested heavily .
2 But in Summer those were dry we had to carry all the water then .
3 Someone had gathered all the warmth and comfort into the room .
4 When John Peter , no doubt in a state of some alarm that his scholarship had provoked such a response , offered to publish a retraction , Eliot 's solicitors wrote in March that their client considered it " neither necessary nor desirable " for any such retraction to appear ; their client would take the very gravest view of any " further dissemination " of the article or its contents , which he had read " with amazement and disgust " .
5 Maluje 's spirited resistance had provoked such an uproar that the muzzled Supreme Court issued a habeas corpus order to locate him — the first against the Air Force since 1973 .
6 Fen , it seemed , had foreseen such an eventuality , hence his attempts to evict her .
7 But Ray had outwitted many an opponent in the Olympics .
8 One morning he woke up to discover the entire ‘ ARCHITECTURE ’ section stacked so high around his desk he had to wait half the day before pupils managed to free him .
9 Every week a detachment of men who had completed all the selection processes , interviews and tests would go off to the 4ème Règiment Étranger at Castelnaudary near Toulouse to start their basic training .
10 After subsidizing the Postal Department for 43 years , her last 29 cent instalment that carried news that she was confirming the trip got held up in the mail office because , and I 'm not joking , George Bush had flown all the way from Disneyland to have his picture taken in front of the Grand Canyon .
11 His mind was the richest repository of the past : he had been a child oblate at Canterbury before the Conquest ; he had heard all the gossip of the older monks as a child , and he remembered as an adult all that he had heard .
12 Corbett had heard such a sound many times during his war in Wales and , without thinking , threw himself on his face .
13 They had talked for a while then he had given Green a lift back to his hotel .
14 Dorcas had given this a lot of thought as teams of nomes sweated to pry the lids off the paint-streaked tins .
15 As early as 1746 he had pondered such a work , writing in his preface to the Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia 's Day of the ‘ fine subject … that is David 's playing to King Saul when he was troubled with the evil Spirit ’ .
16 It was his fault she had to go all the way back to the house .
17 There was one who told his wife , ‘ The reason I 'm late is that Harry died at the third hole , so we had to go all the way round the other fifteen holes on the course , dragging Harry . ’
18 ‘ But we had to go all the way along to the badger tunnel and there were no proper tracks .
19 all the system was closed there , as Howard said erm it er a bit of a nuisance they had to go all the way round the houses
20 In the second division in this day and age , I had to climb a wooden ladder , I had to go all the way to the very top of the main stand and there was a shed , and at the end of the match , surface water forced me to dry my socks off in the radiator in the dressing rooms afterwards .
21 ‘ I said some time ago that there was a mile to go and we had to go half a mile each , and the Community went more than its half a mile .
22 He and Francis had joined such a retinue .
23 This little bird had travelled all the way from its breeding grounds on the Arctic tundra to its wintering quarters in the Falkland Islands !
24 A great deal of time and thought had gone into the varied and colourful array of costumes worn by the contestants , and into their entertainingly apposite choice of titles ; everybody , however , agreed that ‘ Worzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally ’ , who had travelled all the way from Norfolk , were the worthy winners .
25 Course teachers were three old friends of the British Medau Society — Gisela Klotzer ( better known as Bedu , Director of Movement at the College ) , Katarina ( ‘ Tinka ’ ) Hutz-Medau ( daughter of Hinrich and Senta ) who had travelled all the way from South Africa , and Irene Schwartz , who teaches Medau at Freiburg University .
26 Whoever was about to emerge from beneath the dripping straw roof of this tiny hut on this minute hamlet on the eastern edge of this unknown volcanic islet was the first person in the world to rise on this February Saturday morning : Homo Pacificus , the symbol of all I had travelled half a world to see .
27 John had travelled half the world in the merchant navy and seen many strange and wonderful things , both sober and not-so sober .
28 He had drained all the virtue from her .
29 It would be splendid if I could state that audit regulation had solved all the profession 's problems , that all audits were now models of perfection , carried out by accountancy paragons .
30 Council staff and independent advocates had interviewed all the rest , if possible with their relatives , in an attempt to match them with other accommodation .
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