Example sentences of "had [verb] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The deep , deep shit to which Selwyn had referred concerned the collapse of a marina development in which her father had invested heavily .
2 But in Summer those were dry we had to carry all the water then .
3 One got the impression that Mr Callaghan felt that he had to put on one side the normal practice of consulting only a small group of inner ministers on economic issues , and had to carry all the colleagues , all twenty-two , if he was to have a hope of carrying the party in the country clearly out of the crisis .
4 Someone had gathered all the warmth and comfort into the room .
5 When John Peter , no doubt in a state of some alarm that his scholarship had provoked such a response , offered to publish a retraction , Eliot 's solicitors wrote in March that their client considered it " neither necessary nor desirable " for any such retraction to appear ; their client would take the very gravest view of any " further dissemination " of the article or its contents , which he had read " with amazement and disgust " .
6 Maluje 's spirited resistance had provoked such an uproar that the muzzled Supreme Court issued a habeas corpus order to locate him — the first against the Air Force since 1973 .
7 Fen , it seemed , had foreseen such an eventuality , hence his attempts to evict her .
8 But Ray had outwitted many an opponent in the Olympics .
9 One morning he woke up to discover the entire ‘ ARCHITECTURE ’ section stacked so high around his desk he had to wait half the day before pupils managed to free him .
10 Every week a detachment of men who had completed all the selection processes , interviews and tests would go off to the 4ème Règiment Étranger at Castelnaudary near Toulouse to start their basic training .
11 He was 80 and had completed all the Munros five times , the Corbetts at least twice , all the Donalds and a myriad of other hills in Scotland and abroad .
12 After subsidizing the Postal Department for 43 years , her last 29 cent instalment that carried news that she was confirming the trip got held up in the mail office because , and I 'm not joking , George Bush had flown all the way from Disneyland to have his picture taken in front of the Grand Canyon .
13 It was a long while before I could even change her nappy , and putting clothes on , you had to disconnect all the wires , put the clothes on and put them all back .
14 His mind was the richest repository of the past : he had been a child oblate at Canterbury before the Conquest ; he had heard all the gossip of the older monks as a child , and he remembered as an adult all that he had heard .
15 Corbett had heard such a sound many times during his war in Wales and , without thinking , threw himself on his face .
16 The Collector had posted all the men he could spare on the upper , north-facing verandah .
17 The results are uneven and one wonders what the result would have been if Mr Smith had examined all the companies covered by the original report for a longer period .
18 They had talked for a while then he had given Green a lift back to his hotel .
19 Dorcas had given this a lot of thought as teams of nomes sweated to pry the lids off the paint-streaked tins .
20 As early as 1746 he had pondered such a work , writing in his preface to the Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia 's Day of the ‘ fine subject … that is David 's playing to King Saul when he was troubled with the evil Spirit ’ .
21 It was his fault she had to go all the way back to the house .
22 There was one who told his wife , ‘ The reason I 'm late is that Harry died at the third hole , so we had to go all the way round the other fifteen holes on the course , dragging Harry . ’
23 ‘ But we had to go all the way along to the badger tunnel and there were no proper tracks .
24 all the system was closed there , as Howard said erm it er a bit of a nuisance they had to go all the way round the houses
25 In the second division in this day and age , I had to climb a wooden ladder , I had to go all the way to the very top of the main stand and there was a shed , and at the end of the match , surface water forced me to dry my socks off in the radiator in the dressing rooms afterwards .
26 ‘ I said some time ago that there was a mile to go and we had to go half a mile each , and the Community went more than its half a mile .
27 He and Francis had joined such a retinue .
28 This little bird had travelled all the way from its breeding grounds on the Arctic tundra to its wintering quarters in the Falkland Islands !
29 A great deal of time and thought had gone into the varied and colourful array of costumes worn by the contestants , and into their entertainingly apposite choice of titles ; everybody , however , agreed that ‘ Worzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally ’ , who had travelled all the way from Norfolk , were the worthy winners .
30 Course teachers were three old friends of the British Medau Society — Gisela Klotzer ( better known as Bedu , Director of Movement at the College ) , Katarina ( ‘ Tinka ’ ) Hutz-Medau ( daughter of Hinrich and Senta ) who had travelled all the way from South Africa , and Irene Schwartz , who teaches Medau at Freiburg University .
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