Example sentences of "had [noun] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Several of the Georgian mansions in Gone With the Wind ( 1939 ) , together with most of the burning buildings of Atlanta ( or rather , the buildings in front of those supposed to burning in the distance ) were the work of the talented matte painter Jack Cosgrove , though for montage sequences he had help from the neighbouring MGM effects department , since MGM and Selznick , the producer , were both located in Culver City .
2 Pearn and I wrote most of the leaders , though occasionally we had help from the various departments of government .
3 It clearly had advantages from the organisational point of view .
4 Informed consent was obtained from all participants , and the study had approval from the institutional human ethics committee .
5 The Confederate flag had been Ellen 's idea , to be unfurled whenever we had charterers from the deep South , and this week 's guests were three married couples from Georgia .
6 Rugby Union secretary Dudley Wood said : ‘ We had representations from the African National Congress to ensure that the old South African anthem ‘ Die Stem ’ would not be played .
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