Example sentences of "had [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When he set up his shop he already had plans for a town of books .
2 McBride rose to challenge the keeper for one of many McCoy crosses which had Bangor in a spin .
3 McBride rose to challenge the keeper for one of many McCoy crosses which had Bangor in a spin .
4 The origin of the slang term ‘ Beak ’ for Magistrate is also associated with the belief that they had herbs in a horn to protect them from any disease that might be contracted from evil smelling criminals .
5 But the victim was a colleague who had bruises from a fall .
6 He had discussions with a company called Travel Trust to back his project and , in December 1983 , had applied to the British Civil Aviation Authority ( CAA ) for a licence to operate a service between London and New York .
7 By the 1930s not only had admission to a profession become the goal of every middle-class family in the land , but they had come to seem bulwarks of society .
8 Farrow quoted a Lieutenant Colonel as saying that his neighbours knowing he had money on a Bill of Sale would mean ruin .
9 In his court appearance by a television hookup from a podium in the jail chapel , Wiggins bowed his head and mumbled : ‘ I do n't know , ’ when asked if he had a lawyer , and ‘ No ’ when asked if he had money for a lawyer .
10 He did it reluctantly , with a weary sigh , and I knew , as he pulled the door to behind him , and pressed his chest into my back , that he had hair like a forest of ginger exclamation marks .
11 Special Branch Detective Inspector Roger Watson , 46 , who was based at Heathrow airport , saw a doctor and had hypnotherapy in a bid to cure the anxiety he kept a secret .
12 The creation of the Ministry was approved by the Senate on April 18 , and Arslanian , who had experience as a judge in trials of military junta members , was sworn in on April 23 .
13 Chuan , who had experience as a Cabinet minister in the mid-1970s , was widely regarded as a moderate and a " clean " politician .
14 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
15 For instance , I was one of several born in Ipswich you see , and I had advantage over a lot of men who were released from the Guards to come here .
16 One had pictures of a cube , sphere , cylinder , cuboid , pyramid and cone and asked pupils to provide the names for them .
17 Both men had shops in a village ten miles to the east of Reine , on the Seine .
18 Yesterday we had tea with a Rhodesia Front Senator who despises the Africans as ‘ savages ’ and blames the British for all Rhodesia 's ills .
19 In the afternoon we had tea in a house full of the most beautiful women .
20 At lunchtime they pulled into a lay-by for a picnic ; and later in the afternoon they had tea in a transport café where three lorry drivers stared at them , whispered to one another and laughed .
21 Conservation and animal welfare organisations had stands in a marquee in the zoo grounds and admission prices were specially reduced for the day .
22 ‘ When I 'd finished writing the book I had lunch with a publisher ; she walked in with this crestfallen expression on her face , saying , ‘ I expected somebody taller , blonder , and just more …
23 ‘ About someone called Angela Morgan whom you or another F. Wilson at the DTI had lunch with a couple of weeks ago .
24 Mid-term between the 1983 and 1987 General Elections I had lunch with a friend ; the film producer David Wickes .
25 They had lunch at a hotel overlooking the sea after a leisurely meander in the big black Bentley round the magnificent , twisting coastline road .
26 Lake Rotoiti is quite unspoilt and we did a day 's walk right round it ; had lunch at a hut by the head of the lake and waded through rivers to get to the other track .
27 Daryl , 32 , could n't tear herself away from her new boyfriend after they had lunch at a Manhattan diner .
28 ‘ We had lunch at a place called Bečov and … ’
29 Roberto Lui Wu , a congressman who was a member of Fujimori 's small political party , was shot dead by masked gunmen as he had lunch in a Lima market yesterday .
30 At the cadenza , she stumbled down the keyboard with something that had elements of a flourish but ended up sounding more like a digital coronary , an awful , shaming collapse of the fingers that , at the last minute , recovered itself and looked as if it might turn into something like the chord of A minor .
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