Example sentences of "his [noun pl] were [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 He kept going , did n't stop to see what his hunters were up to .
2 But many of his inventions were down to earth , as witness the Franklin stove which was a real energy saver , and provided comfort to the whole room , an early example of the ‘ Save It ’ campaign .
3 But his expectations were not to be fulfilled .
4 However lukewarm the feelings of the citizens of York towards their southern overlord , his officers were there to be obeyed .
5 Unlike many of those who followed him and profited from pirated editions of his works , Russell was not a quack and his treatments were not to be taken lightly , the firm physical and mental regimen he prescribed being not far from the modern practices of hydropathic establishments or the health clubs beloved of overweight executives .
6 Britain 's most famous ticket-broker said he will defy all his critics and remain as chairman , and claimed his problems were down to the media .
7 Not all his arguments were entirely to the point , but he produced a confident and humorous speech . ’
8 Prior Tuathal pulled his hood absently over his reddening crown and sat , his chin in the sun , bending his sharp intelligence to the exchange between the Earl and the King by which all his theories were about to be tested .
9 He 'd a French cocked-hat on his forehead , a bunch of lace at his chin A coat of the claret velvet , and breeches of brown doe-skin : They fitted with never a wrinkle ; his boots were up to the thigh !
10 His boots were up to the thigh , and he rode with a jewelled twinkle , his pistols but a twinkle , his rapier hilt a twinkle under the jewelled sky .
11 But Brian and his colleagues were n't to be defeated .
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