Example sentences of "his [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As his experiences clearly influence his policies and following his recent interview in The Sun , can the Prime Minister now tell the House exactly when he was unemployed ?
2 An unemployed engineer in Coventry , who joined the Labour Party after being made redundant , walks to all his meetings and reckons he wears out his shoes three times faster than when he was working .
3 Like Tanya , he has no bad feelings towards his employers and says his redundancy was handled well .
4 He was a strict disciplinarian whose word was law and , while players could argue with his views and put their own ideas to him freely , he would tolerate no arguing with umpires ; when Sobers once disputed an lbw decision he was reprimanded in front of the team .
5 Outside in the street , where she could raise her voice again , she almost shouted at him , telling him he was to stop behaving as if he had been right and she wrong — as if he believed she now shared his views and endorsed his ridiculous maunderings .
6 Another member of staff recognised the defendant from his schooldays and told him to give himself up .
7 He put his elbows on the table , interlacing his fingers and resting his chin on them , gazing at her seriously , and Merrill fought against the glow his words had lit inside her .
8 Whitlock peeled off several notes from the roll and the man snatched them from his fingers and stuffed them into his pocket .
9 He swivelled and in one swift movement gripped her jaw between his fingers and lifted her mouth to his , raking his pirating lips over it again and again , a groan of deep desire wrenched from the depths of his being .
10 She would bite off all his fingers and eat them , the way Smallfry said she would if ever he was caught stealing .
11 Kirov stooped over his crumpled form , retrieving the photograph from between his fingers and tucking it safely into his inside pocket .
12 He shrugged , then linked his fingers and made his knuckles crack .
13 He wiped the scattered crumbs on his tray to a neat heap and then pinched them between his fingers and gobbled them .
14 She did n't like the way he just snapped his fingers and expected her to follow .
15 Siegfried carefully lifted the thing , shook the milk from his fingers and studied it with interest .
16 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
17 He was warned that he risked not being able to read Braille if he worked with the soil because it would cut his fingers and reduce their sensitivity .
18 After 22 months , does he not yet understand that sitting there crossing his fingers and closing his eyes will not bring recovery ?
19 Alec , still tearful , examined his fingers and shook his head slowly .
20 Holly took the bread and tugged it between his fingers and wolfed it to his mouth .
21 When he read from Mr Thackeray 's Book of Snobs , choosing the ‘ Great City Snob ’ as his text , imitating the while Sir Thomas 's mannerism of impatiently snapping his fingers and clasping his lapel , followed by his grave walk , hands behind back , no one had had the least doubt as to whom was meant .
22 She grasped both his hands and sank to her knees , pressing her lips to his fingers and whispering her thanks — though whether to himself or to God , he could not be sure , and was n't much interested .
23 With a lifetime of practice behind him he rolled a passable cigarette in his fingers and lit it .
24 Rioters attacked one man with pool cues , breaking his fingers and smashing his cheekbone .
25 He smoothed the paper with his fingers and gave it to her .
26 His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory ; the Almoravids feared and hated him ; he had overcome all his enemies and won his way back to the position of Alfonso 's vassal — although , in fact , he overshadowed the King in such a way that Alfonso virtually faded from the scene in the next few years .
27 Realizing they were both going through the roof with nerves , Luke put down his notes and tipped his battered Panama over his snub nose .
28 He can appear in so doing to have his opinions and to eat them too .
29 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
30 Brutus was the only person in the play who was n't working for himself and although he was idealistic , he stuck to his plans and carried them through .
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