Example sentences of "his [noun sg] by [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Many scholars have suggested that she broke his heart by ending the relationship , ’ Hawkins says from his home in Blandford , Dorset .
2 It also reinforces his case by demonstrating the implications of not giving him the cash that he needs .
3 The jury may have understood the phrase to refer to small or trifling amounts , and followed his direction by awarding the sort of sum they imagined in the coffers of Scrooge McDuck .
4 It was enough to make the Premier League aristocrats choke with apoplectic rage but Jones cheekily suggested that Alex Ferguson 's men should ease the tension gripping his club by copying the Dons ' rough 'n' tumble , get-the-beers-in approach .
5 The move was seen as an attempt to bolster the falling level of public support for his administration by addressing the two crucial issues of national unity and the economy .
6 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
7 ‘ If you believe otherwise you 're lying to yourself , ’ he said of his contention that a white person was not equipped to make a film about black people and he refuted accusations of misogynism in his movie by dismissing the very concept , stating ‘ misogynism is not a black term .
8 I know he 's not exactly God 's gift to forensic science , but he 's a conscientious plodder and you 're not going to stimulate either his brain or his speed by bullying the poor little beast .
9 Kirk began his telegram by summarising the main points of Gen McCreery 's AC/1 89 , about " unmanageable numbers of refugees and prisoners of war … materially deteriorating from operational capacity " of 5 Corps ( although he did not mention McCreery 's opening point about the " large numbers of surrendered personnel from Army Group SE " ) .
10 But he continued to insure himself against such social accidents as might reactivate his grief by avoiding the streets of Reine and its inhabitants .
11 An individual can not enlarge his benefit by producing the good and charging others for using it , because of the free-rider problem .
12 Rogers even tests the results of his work by using the subject-centred but still-empirical Q sort ( Nye 1982 ) .
13 At one end fast-medium bowler Hill-Wood vigorously shone the ball on his trousers , only to see Ian Peebles at the other end undo his work by rubbing the shine away in the dust .
14 McCarthy , appointed chairman of a powerful Senate sub-committee , stepped up his campaign by attacking the State Department 's radio service , Voice of America , as Communist-influenced .
15 Mundiford supplemented his stipend by farming the glebeland , and grew two orchards .
16 He tried to bolster his courage by reciting the reasons for what he was doing : go per cent of them boiled down to a pressing need for money , so pressing that the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage ; the other lo per cent was divided between the desire to do Lorton a good turn and the feeling that the Newleys deserved whatever fate could throw at them .
17 If he were feeling particularly arrogant he could justifiably demonstrate his point by playing the heavy metal ballad-like solo on Suede 's Where The Pigs Do n't Fly or even the absolutely stunning Keith Richards-style solo on Metal Mickey .
18 Paradoxically the woman is also inside the bottle offered but inaccessible ; thus the spectator/consumer can only quench his desire by reading the magazine .
19 4 If the ward nurse is satisfied with the patient 's condition she accepts him back into her care and escorts him quietly back to the ward ensuring his safety by maintaining the airway and close observation .
20 George kicked off his war by joining the small group of fighting men who courageously volunteered to stay behind and fight a rearguard action in Dieppe in September 1940 .
21 The game afoot , he vented his embarrassment by scoring the Lions ' first try after 64 seconds .
22 The 30-year-old Masur , who miraculously survived a 0–5 fifth set deficit in the previous round , celebrated his reprieve by pounding the unseeded Swede 6–2 7–5 7–5 .
23 Despite financial difficulties , however , Hahnemann displayed such intellectual ability that his teachers helped him in his studies and allowed him to finance his education by tutoring the younger children in the school .
24 The French boxer Georges Carpentier made his name by winning the world heavyweight title in 1914 at the age of twenty .
25 The wader lived up to his name by conveying the mayor on his back as he waded into the Swale at the point where the boundary runs down the middle of the river .
26 In the event , Mark surprised his wife by taking the view that a baby 50% genetically created by Wendy was better than no baby at all .
27 Again and again Pynchon suspends the serious implications of his title by transforming the action into pantomime , thereby achieving a staggering variety of tones within the novel , More is involved here than temporary light relief , however .
28 The Tory Chief Whip , David Margesson , ended his agony by moving the adjournment , and the corridors were filled with yelling , scurrying , frantic men , taking up their cliques and groupings , pooling their opinions , consolidating .
29 And after the elections , which returned the slimmest of Gaullist majorities , he tried to broaden his constituency by reviving the reformist theme of worker participation .
30 But Vernon , 19 , signed for Conference side Bath City the following day and on Saturday relaunched his career by scoring the first round winner against Cardiff City .
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