Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 He waved frantically , and his sister did the same .
2 Carter had advocated deregulation , but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action .
3 He admires the work of the PFA and wants his association to win the same respect .
4 And why , if his enemy had the same thought in mind , should he toss it back to him so carelessly ?
5 But there 's no mistaking Madge 's absolute technical control and his determination to make the most of the grand old man 's music .
6 Demand for his services exceeded his capacity to meet the many requests and in the second year of the scheme he acquired a car to provide greater mobility .
7 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
8 The discovery was a direct outcome of the interest of Dr Bevan Reid ( Reader in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sydney University 's Queen Elizabeth II Research Centre for Mothers and Infants ) in the cause of cancer , and his aim to resolve the many questions surrounding the problem .
9 You 're not alone , his missus has the same . ’
10 John Calambokidis , who runs the non-profit marine-mammal organisation Cascadia Research , based in nearby Olympia , says that 1991 was the year that his team saw the most whales come in to Puget Sound , and stay the longest .
11 Furthermore he would instruct all the dealers in his charge to do the same , on the grounds that a joint effort would shift the share price , and that , besides , the company 's prospects were good anyway .
12 When the marriage is good , a husband may be able to encourage his wife to see the many compensations in store , including the opportunities to explore their own interests and reinforce their commitment to each other .
13 His grin held the same hint of mocking , almost insolent provocation as when he had taunted Alain Gebrec .
14 His father had the same seriously intent eyes and the delicate look that Stephen had .
15 He drove himself hard , expecting his workforce to do the same , but he was quick to provide them with social benefits — housing in 1901 and 1908 , a hospital and benefit scheme in 1917 , holidays with pay , and a consultative board of directors and workers ' representatives in 1927 .
16 We noted the grim approaches ; incessant traffic noise in narrow streets ; parked vehicles hemming in the pavement ; rubbish dumps on waste land nearby ; the absence of green playing spaces on or near the school sites ; tiny playgrounds ; gaunt looking buildings ; often poor decorative conditions inside ; narrow passages ; dark rooms ; unheated and cramped cloakrooms ; unroofed outside lavatories ; tiny staff rooms ; inadequate storage space with consequent restrictions on teaching materials and therefore methods ; inadequate space for movement and P.E. ; meals in classroom ; art on desks ; music only to the discomfort of others in an echoing building ; non-soundproof partitions between classes ; lack of smaller rooms for group work ; lack of spare room for tuition of small groups ; insufficient display space ; attractive books kept unseen in cupboards for lack of space to lay them out ; no privacy for parents wishing to see the head ; sometimes the head and his secretary sharing the same room ; and , sometimes all around , the ingrained grime of generations .
17 Yet the sight of his daughter going the same way seriously displeased him .
18 You may have heard people speak about the loss of brain cells as we get older but , as Tony Buzan , expert in the working of the human mind , writes in his book Make the Most of Your Mind :
19 Paul Davies is a guru of mathematical physics and his book covers the same territory as that of Hawking ( whom he cites often ) and Gribbin and is almost as impenetrable ; however , he makes every effort to take the layman along with him , so that by judicious and generous skipping you do gain something of value .
20 We are not interested here in whether a second investigator who slavishly follows in the footsteps of his predecessor gets the same results .
21 Whether his descendant has the same staying power remains to be seen .
22 He was there when MacMillan made his famous ‘ Winds of Change ’ speech and recalls being on the same Dakota plane to Sierra Leone as the Foreign Secretary , who was on his way to grant the former colony independence .
23 I ca n't tell you anymore but ’ his mane remains the same ’ after all this time .
24 His tone had the same finality as the sound of the door closing behind them .
25 One person who spends much of his time doing the same thing is Master of Wine Tim Hanni from the Beringer Vineyards School for American Chefs .
26 His mother attended the same elementary school as Rose . ’
27 It was time his mother felt the same kind of distress , the same feeling of being rootless ; after all , that woman had stolen her father away .
28 It was revealed on Aug. 5 that the special prosecutor in the Iran-contra affair , Lawrence E. Walsh , had informed Ronald Reagan that his office considered the former President " simply as a witness " in the investigation and not a candidate for indictment .
29 He 'd picked up the baby and held her while Ma gave her the medicine , and his face had the same look as when Billy had fallen in the river .
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