Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Evidently Menwith Hill 's operations have been so successful that a $26 million expansion programme has been approved as part of the Project P415 programme .
2 Even when Pearce 's innards had been completely absorbed and digested , the thing 's need was still strong .
3 The Lord Chancellor 's proposals have been universally condemned by those organisations with knowledge of the legal aid system .
4 I shall concentrate upon deprivation among black people because this is where the government 's policies have been most damaging .
5 The Prime Minister 's letter , printed in the next day 's Times had been conventionally appreciative but brief .
6 Galbraith 's views have been widely criticised , most frequently on grounds of exaggeration , though it should be noted that he does not suggest that the revised sequence has replaced the accepted sequence , but that there is a complex inter-action between the two .
7 It would be an exaggeration to imply that Vogel 's views have been slavishly followed by Japanese or Western writers .
8 In the past CATCHEM 's profiles have been startlingly accurate .
9 The reason is that Malaysia 's exports have been much stronger .
10 Then he would kiss it where he knew its mistress 's lips had been not long before ( the location of the kiss remains a matter of debate : some say on the muzzle , some say on the top of the head ) ; he would whisper in the shaggy ear of Nero ( or Thabor ) the secrets he longed to whisper in the ear that lay between the muslin dress and the straw hat ; and he would burst into tears .
11 After Mark 's funeral Robyn 's lips had been so painful that she had hardly been able to speak or smile for days — but then that had suited her fine , still suited her , although no one guessed , except Anne perhaps .
12 The food shortages suffered by people in Russia have been well publicised , but the effects of this on the country 's pets have been even more dramatic .
13 The Communist International quite deliberately set out to create " sections " under its detailed control , which would be more easily disciplined than the Second International parties which in Lenin 's eyes had been too independent to act together on the outbreak of war .
14 Sadly not every one of St Peter 's successors has been as appreciative of his work as they might have been .
15 Sixty-two per cent of those in old people 's homes had been there for a year or more compared with 47 per cent of those in nursing homes , but this difference might have occurred by chance .
16 The radical right 's anxieties had been further strengthened by the effects of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 .
17 Mandy 's parents had been understandably concerned at her friendship with Mark , but their demands on her had been bordering on the unreasonable .
18 The music had sounded exactly like all other music he had ever heard , and the intervals between Louise Müller 's appearances had been rather tedious , but the display of her charms had provided more than adequate compensation for the occasional ennui Lefevre had enjoyed it even more , expressing his enthusiasm at the end by shouting , ‘ Bravo ! ’ standing , and clapping his hands above his head .
19 The thought of facing his old friend , and the man on whom Virgin 's fortunes had been largely built , across a courtroom was too upsetting .
20 One or two of Miss Loren 's films have been more notable for the depth of cleavage displayed than any profoundness of plot .
21 In general the AWB 's awards have been niggardly — at times extremely so .
22 Cooperation with the professionals required acceptance of the framework within which John 's needs had been professionally cast : that it was their deficits as parents which had created John 's needs .
23 With the recent and spectacular exception of Paul ‘ Gazza ’ Gascoigne , England 's heroes have been consistently straight .
24 All Morton 's protests had been sternly rejected .
25 America 's airlines have been badly hit by the world recession .
26 This exercise is valuable in helping to show how a distorted version of Freud 's ideas has been widely diffused within many institutional spheres of American life , from social work agencies to industrial management training , religious institutions , and to the private sphere of marriage and family life .
27 Julie and Elizabeth 's relatives have been over to South Africa and were not treated very well at all by the police .
28 The claim that today 's difficulties have been somehow caused by the management is a sick joke being perpetrated by the unions . ’
29 Therefore the East Lancashire Railway 's connection to British Rail 's metals has been effectively severed .
30 The diagnoses of Britain 's problems have been as varied as the problems themselves .
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