Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly the main emphasis is on BR 's accounts providing the same information as must be provided by a PLC .
2 America 's satellites have the high ground to themselves .
3 The scandal and accompanying crash came as a severe blow to Finance Minister Singh 's attempts to open the Indian economy to foreign investors , and in addition hurt many smaller , first-time investors attracted by the soaring bull market of the previous six months , of which Mehta was described by the Financial Times of May 18 as the " driving force " .
4 Manchester 's attempts to stage the 1996 Olympic Games are being hindered by British sport 's two-faced approach to South Africa , said Sam Ramsamy , chairman of the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee , at a civic reception in Manchester yesterday , writes Michael Morris .
5 About half the deputies who defied Gen Aoun 's attempts to block the presidential election are Christians like Mr Muawad .
6 The Comintern 's attempts to involve the Mexican Communist Party in Moscow 's decision to liquidate Trotsky resulted in violent convulsions within the party , with Valentin Campa and Hernán Laborde expelled .
7 Throughout the 1970s all of these elements were to feature in the Council 's attempts to find the appropriate balances under its Charter , and to handle the increasingly complex range of subjects and institutions .
8 But Ridley 's attempts to expose the lush cornfields of Fifties middle America as a stunted psychic wasteland are ultimately carried by his visual confidence and imagination .
9 There is anger here about Britain 's attempts to influence the present situation .
10 Once Sipotai 's scouts saw the small party under Burun 's silver banner , they would forget everything else .
11 It would then be for the wife 's solicitors to draft the relevant conveyance/ transfer and declaration of trust ( as appropriate ) and submit these to the husband 's solicitors .
12 In the case of registered title , office copy entries of the registered title can be supplied to enable the wife 's and new husband 's solicitors to draw the relevant transfer .
13 If the property is being charged by way of mortgage by the wife then priority can be obtained by the mortgagee 's solicitors making the usual Form 94A Search on behalf of the mortgagee , which gives a priority period of 30 working days ( Land Registration ( Official Searches ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 1361 ) , r3 ) .
14 Later this month , the Commission for Racial Equality will consider instigating a judicial review against the Government 's proposals to withdraw the green legal aid form in cases of political asylum and immigration .
15 So Carlton 's proposals to televise the first four books in Mike 's Angel series next year may be welcome .
16 Does the Chairman share my concern regarding the Home Secretary 's proposals containing the white paper on Police which will dramatically reduce local accountability of the Police service to the Leicestershire public .
17 There was a bid by Banbury School to opt out of local control , and in a poll among the parents sixty two percent voted against the Governor 's proposals to become the first school in Oxfordshire to leave County Council control .
18 Yet under the European Community 's proposals to reform the Common agricultural Policy ( CAP ) , such small UK farmers could reap substantial windfalls ( see Credit Management , November 1991 ) .
19 I refer to the article by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn ( ‘ The wronged losing the right to redress , ’ 4 March ) concerning the Government 's proposals to reduce the financial eligibility limits for legal aid .
20 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari 's policies reflect the Clouthier manifesto , especially on privatisation .
21 Madame 's fingers twisted the magnificent ruby she wore .
22 They also realised that it might only be a matter of time before Poland 's enemies used the same tactic as part of a concerted effort to wipe the country from the maps again .
23 I SHALL treasure my copy of Friday morning 's Times carrying the front-page headline ‘ Exit polls point to certainty of a hung parliament ’ .
24 In a piece of fancy footwork of which Gekko would have been proud , America 's fat cats have capped a record year by undermining President-Elect Bill Clinton 's plans to soak the rich , before he has even set foot in the White House .
25 Given that a prime reason for investing in science is to boost the nation 's technological performance , where was the discussion about the implications of the government 's plans to privatise the British Technology Group , the descendant of a body set up by Labour itself in the mid-1960s to perform precisely this task ?
26 These were overtaken by the Government 's plans to deregulate the British securities market , announced in 1983 , which were to lead to Big Bang .
27 On Aug. 6 Gerhard Stoltenberg , the German Defence Minister , gave final details of the government 's plans to reduce the German army from its existing strength of 461,000 to 370,000 by the end of 1994 ( as agreed in the " Two-plus-four treaty " on German unification — see pp. 37659 ; 37834 ) .
28 Ray Macsharry 's plans to reform the common agricultural policy are sending shock waves through European farming communities .
29 Ceauşescu 's plans to standardize the living accommodation of Romanians would have been hailed as the epitome of human progress .
30 Mr Smith 's plans to increase the top rate of tax to 50 per cent and abolish the ceiling on National Insurance contributions are increasingly being seen by Labour MPs as a major contribution to the party 's fourth consecutive defeat .
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