Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Denktash 's position was rejected by Resolution 649 approved by the UN Security Council on March 13 , 1990 , which reaffirmed the Council 's support for a bicommunal federal republic excluding " any form of partition or secession " .
2 Khan emphasized Pakistan 's support for a proposed conference on nuclear non-proliferation in the region to be attended by China , India , Pakistan , Russia and the USA .
3 In approaching the question of the primacy of Canterbury , we need once more to examine the roots of Anselm 's support for a local claim which ran counter to one of the most powerful principles of papal policy at this time .
4 Gladstone 's case for a balanced budget was above all a moral not a technical one .
5 Others , like Clifford or J. B. Paton , were leaders in various reform movements : in Clifford 's case for a national health service and the abolition of capital punishment ; in Paton 's , for rural colonization .
6 Private insurance policies against earning a low income per se are hard to find , because once you paid the premium the moral hazard problem central to Baumol 's case for a public enterprise ( see chapter 5 ) would then loom very large indeed .
7 Such a government , Lawrence asserted , ‘ would be child 's play for a decent man to run , so long as he ran it like Cromer 's Egypt , not like the Egypt of the Protectorate .
8 Joyce , frustrated , moved on to consideration of yesterday 's weather , complaints about the new trainee and an attempt to enlist Helen 's support in resisting the county librarian 's enthusiasm for a local history section at Spaxton .
9 However , I very much support and understand my hon. Friend 's enthusiasm for a national lottery .
10 The Russians had taken Trebizond from the Turks , but had suffered bloodily in the Narocz marshes after a noble response to Joffre 's plea for a diversionary offensive to relieve Verdun .
11 Pauper 's Grave For A Forgotten Genius
12 Retaining control of the Second International , they re-emphasized Kautsky 's hope for a peaceful transition to socialism , or swung away completely from reliance on Marx and Engels ' writings into very cautious forms of social democracy .
13 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
14 They held each other 's look for a long five seconds .
15 We scrunch-dried Rachel 's hair for a casual effect but it can be blow-dried for a completely different look .
16 Part two is business-oriented and built around a visitor 's search for a new factory site .
17 Official encouragement of the increased use of the language , promotion of a national literacy campaign and provision for the writing of dictionaries and grammars and the development of specialised terminologies for higher education , have been regarded as an important part of Tanzania 's search for a national identity and the enrichment of the lives of its citizens .
18 There is no place ‘ there ’ for the values the Tehuana dress represents , its folds are given meaning by Kahlo 's search for a cultural identity .
19 A wholesale buyer of women 's underwear for a large store could not hope to inspect every single item she intends buying ; what she usually does is to inspect a sample of goods and to base her decision on this .
20 It is absolutely essential that each pupil 's readiness for a particular grade should be judged individually .
21 The idea of pursuing a solo career had been in Sharon Shannon 's mind for a long while — but now the time was right she already had a seminal piece of super session recording under her belt and now , with John Dunford — who 'd been centrally involved with The Waterboys throughout their Irish sojourn as sound and recording engineer — in charge of production , she got to work on her solo album .
22 How far Warnie emulated at this stage of life his father 's fondness for a little drop of whiskey , and at what point he began his calamintous descent into alcoholism is not easy to determine .
23 NASA 's programme for a steady now of shuttle spare pans has also ‘ lagged seriously ’ , the academy 's report concludes .
24 Now that their operation had actually started everyone was keyed up and eager to go , and the whole force quickly gathered round the sheriff 's car for a final briefing .
25 David Grindley 's bid for a European Cup 400 metres place ahead of Roger Black met with limited success .
26 David Grindley 's bid for a European Cup 400 metres place ahead of Roger Black met with limited success .
27 Parts exported by the firm at the heart of the arms-for-Iraq scandal were used in Saddam 's bid for a nuclear arsenal , a weapons experts confirmed last night .
28 Cathedral 's deal for a fast supper
29 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
30 Although we are n't a politically active family , I was discussing Prime Minister John Major 's plan for a classless society with my sister Lynn when my niece Natalie said : ‘ Will this mean we wo n't have to go to school any more ? ’
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