Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had not felt they had the right to refuse to participate , and video recordings are very threatening in their very nature , and in Doug Green 's case his Head of Department , Mary Law , was his ‘ friendly critic ’ .
2 In the appellant 's case his privilege against self incrimination was abrogated by the terms of the insolvency legislation to which we have referred .
3 This is , indeed , confirmed by differences between her various accounts of the biographical aspects of the genesis ( " how did the " Wagnerian connection " come about ? " ) , generally in line with a characteristic of hers , that in sensitive areas of her brother 's biography her memory for convenient detail improved as she got older .
4 Driver 's Diary My kingdom for a convertible
5 It would also leave India with no budgetary provision ( a continuing resolution , to allow four months ' expenditure after the current financial year end on March 31 , had been introduced on March 4 after the Congress ( I ) had in late February denied Shekhar 's government its backing for a full budget bill — ibid . ) .
6 He promised Markov 's widow his support in uncovering the truth about the killing .
7 We have shown that both in ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease their contribution to the enhanced mucosal generation of eicosanoids is negligible by comparison with that of lamina propria mononuclear cells .
8 If , as we are assuming , there is no other relevant information available then we can expect that in the cases in which I endorse the authority 's judgment my rate of mistakes declines and equals that of the authority .
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