Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Happily , she retains enough of Daddy 's money to live in comfortable circumstances in the Home Counties .
2 Trade and Industry Secretary Peter Lilley 's decision to abide by European Commission rules on the distribution of regional aid from Brussels immediately unlocked £18.9m of investment earmarked for the stricken former coalfield communities of Durham , Tyne and Wear , and Northumberland .
3 Simon 's decision to dispense with normal syntax implies that stylistically the intention is to render the real more satisfactorily than the conventional novel would allow .
4 The announcement of the deal in the ballroom of the Statistics Office in Budapest was temporarily hijacked by the European Community 's ambassador to Hungary , Hans Beck , who used the occasion to dish out European Community tie pins , lecture the local press on the absence of a ‘ Hungarian Way ’ , and launch a fierce attack on Hungary 's decision to retaliate with tit-for-tat measures against an import ban on meat products introduced by the European Community two weeks ago following the discovery of foot and mouth disease in Italy .
5 The announcement of the deal in the ballroom of the Statistics Office in Budapest was temporarily hijacked by the European Community 's ambassador to Hungary , Hans Beck , who used the occasion to dish out European Community tie pins , lecture the local press on the absence of a ‘ Hungarian Way ’ , and launch a fierce attack on Hungary 's decision to retaliate with tit-for-tat measures against an import ban on meat products introduced by the European Community two weeks ago following the discovery of foot and mouth disease in Italy .
6 On Friday the US charge d'affaires in Beijing was summoned to the Foreign Ministry to hear a ‘ strong protest ’ about President Bush 's decision to execute by administrative means the provisions of a congressional bill he had vetoed , allowing some of the estimated 40,000 Chinese students in the US to extend their visas .
7 The first is an attempt to rectify Realism 's inability to deal with economic issues .
8 We must be prepared to focus unsentimentally on antiracism 's inability to respond to other distinctive aspects of these new forms of racism .
9 They also modify the accountant 's certificate to refer to controlled trust money .
10 They placed great emphasis on the individual 's freedom to enter into personal relationships independent of church or state .
11 It is however seen as an important signal of Mexico 's willingness to respond to environmental concerns .
12 On the one hand , she was able to temper President Reagan 's willingness to engage in long-term negotiations over intermediate-range and other missiles based in western Europe .
13 However , the West 's cool attitude towards the King over his pro-Iraqi stance was partly offset by Jordan 's willingness to take in vast numbers of refugees from Iraq and Kuwait during August .
14 The practical importance of this legal bias for parents ' and children 's readiness to co-operate with residential staff and make use of the placement is clarified by Packman when the association between compulsory admissions and emergency admissions is made .
15 The two main issues thought to have been on the agenda for Li 's visit were South Korea 's intention to apply for separate membership of the UN ( North Korea favoured the two Korean states sharing a single UN seat ) , and the growing pressure for the North Korean government to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , an issue at the heart of the current normalization talks between North Korea and Japan [ see below ] .
16 Customers such as those in the automotive , plastics and rubber industries , are increasingly demanding tighter and tighter product specifications and also the right to assess a supplier 's capability to produce to consistent standards .
17 The relationship between Sophia and the monarch was never free from tension , and the succession also created difficulties between Sophia and her eldest son George , a particularly serious crisis occurring in 1706 , over Sophia 's attempt to intervene in English politics .
18 And now to the government 's plan to sell off British Rail .
19 One important feature of such factors is that they will tend to shape the person 's capacity to cope with adverse circumstances .
20 Any change in the vulnerable elderly person 's capacity to cope with daily living should be considered in relation to his/her place in the family network , and the capacity of that network to respond to the change .
21 Reagan 's capacity to learn from past mistakes and to make the adjustments necessary to achieve at least part of his declared purpose can be seen in his second term and in the passage of welfare reform legislation .
22 Most wheats in his area look ‘ superb ’ and a plant 's capacity to compensate for blind sites should not be forgotten , he adds .
23 There was also unease at the PLO 's propensity to act against local opinion , witnessed in its treatment of the home-grown NGC in the late 1970s , its abuse of Joint Committee funds for politically corrupt purposes , and in Arafat 's flirtation with Husayn in the mid-1980s .
24 With turnover down 27 p.c. to £27.1m , reflecting both the tough trading climate and the group 's reluctance to compete at uneconomic margins in the construction market , profits slumped from £1.83m to £410,000 before providing £775,000 ( £1.2m ) for the fall in land values and reorgnisation costs of £325,000 .
25 ‘ You are just making excuses , ’ complained Anne , recognizing Joan 's reluctance to gate-crash on royal celebrations .
26 The technological innovations which have developed as a result of society 's need to adapt to new conditions have been accompanied by a new epistemology .
27 In Compact the future entails a fundamental undermining of the reader 's need to believe in fictional events … . the detail and intensity are such that we do believe that what is predicted not only will occur but is occurring/has occurred , while at the same time not occurring , abolished , a mere fiction of words .
28 Industry 's failure to invest in recycled materials and new recycling plant has led to the UK lagging behind other European countries , according to a new study by Dr Chris Coggins and Robert Brown of Luton College of Higher Education .
29 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
30 Fear of this happening is a prime reason for some religious people 's failure to relate to other people 's views ; they therefore take refuge in intransigent attitudes often referred to by other people as fundamentalist or extremist .
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