Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As your father had made no will of his own , all the relation 's money came to you and her . ’
2 As the drop-ship yawed away , fleeing , a hem of the cat 's cradle dipped towards it .
3 Harry 's ghost called to her from the stone skull of the castle .
4 Ariel was bitter ; in turns Sycorax 's power stifled her , then the old woman 's weakness dragged at her like a disease afflicting her as well .
5 A few nights later she went with Maureen to Benediction , and as she glanced at her sister , deep in prayer , Anne was conscious of how much Maureen 's faith meant to her , and how her own well-meant interference might have severed that lifeline for her beloved sister .
6 Offa 's Dyke , covering lines some 150 miles long , although at points perhaps relying on rivers rather than ramparts for defence , is a work which reveals a tremendous ability to organise labour : the Danish Danevirke is child 's play compared with it .
7 Often the night 's play begins with us going out and helping Jews .
8 Appeals If an Industrial Tribunal 's decision goes against you , you can only appeal in limited circumstances .
9 The purchaser ( If a licensed business from the trustee of a bankrupt certificate-holder must with reasonable dispatch get the bankrupt 's certificate transferred to him .
10 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
11 James 's mum said to me , and she does n't know her from Adam , she said
12 Along the chain of consequence , from atomic decay to my act of observation , things must have got fixed at least by the time that the cat 's experience entered into it .
13 If anything was missing it was the special 's responsibility to ask for it , and ask fast .
14 Gran 's stick lunged at it and dug out an ugly lump .
15 He dreamed of the bloodied face with the girl 's hair swinging over it , and of Annabel 's children , and then he surfaced again and went for a walk through Covent Garden fruit market , where Mr. Jenkins must already be at work .
16 Lisa 's heart stopped inside her .
17 His chin rose quickly in a proud gesture and George 's heart warmed to him .
18 No answer , but the pinched face reflected clearly enough how the boy 's heart sank within him .
19 The Aeschylean Titan , who , to his own cost , gives man fire and thereby civilization , has an artist 's confidence in the sufficiency of his own capacities and an artist 's readiness to suffer for it .
20 May I have the pleasure , monsieur , of introducing my two sons , boomed the senator , smiling into the wizened face of the Annamese mandarin while the governor 's aide translated for him .
21 By the open doors , Lily 's photograph stared at me from its table .
22 Clinical forensic medicine is a specialty and the FME 's practice falls into it .
23 Andrew 's deodorant sprayed in it I 've had Andy being sick on my hair
24 But Leith 's glance went from him to where , at some time in the night , he must have become too hot and in stupor had shed his clothes , which were now in a crumpled heap by the side of the bed .
25 Rourke 's glance shifted over her .
26 Lachlan 's axe clashed with it in mid-sweep .
27 Zimbabwe 's elevation has about it a pronounced aroma of political engineering .
28 Lineker 's agent came to me and told me that Lineker wanted to go to play in Japan .
29 Five terrified drivers alerted police on mobile phones as Mr Furness 's car shot past them heading south down the northbound lanes .
30 She was still puzzling over the problem when she saw Joanna 's car coming towards her .
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