Example sentences of "'s [noun] [vb past] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 M. Chaillot 's response included the information that there was not much money for new work in his budget .
2 The Doctor 's response gave the poet no confidence , but choice was limited ; he either went along with the Doctor or he remained behind .
3 The statement of the treasurer 's accounts included the expenditure of £1.7s.6d. ‘ for poor 's rates for the building ’ .
4 The immediate popularity and novelty of ITV 's programmes forced the BBC to review its output and made it aware of the need to survive in an increasingly competitive environment .
5 Ranks Hovis McDougall 's board recommended the £935m takeover offer from Tomkins after announcing a 38% decrease in profit before tax to £92.6m for the year to 5 September 1992 .
6 Rugby 's board said the slump had continued to depress UK sales , but US sales and profit margins had improved .
7 Having failed to persuade Mr Shankly to change his mind , Liverpool 's board resisted the temptation to appoint another charismatic manager .
8 George Michael 's counsel told the court that Sony has made worldwide profits of over fifty two million pounds from the singer 's recordings , whereas Mr Michael has made profits of over seven million pounds .
9 These indicators of the native film industry 's weakness encouraged The Federation of British Industries to intensify its campaign to bring attention to the way in which the disappearance of British films from the world 's screens impacted on ‘ the prestige of the country as a whole , and thereby the prestige of British industry also ’ .
10 O'Hara 's hook caught the rim of the mug .
11 Just as her childhood amusements could have originated from the pages of a 1930s ' children 's book , so Diana 's upbringing reflected the values of a bygone age .
12 Seven hours of torrential rain during the second day 's play reduced the pitch to a lake which in places had the players running calf deep in muddy water .
13 Mr Clarke 's decision followed the suspension of 2,500 staff at 71 London stations for refusing to work normally .
14 Mr Clarke 's decision followed the suspension of 2,500 staff at 71 London stations for refusing to work normally .
15 Mr Clarke 's decision followed the suspension of 2,500 ambulance crew members at 71 London stations for refusing to work normally .
16 The court 's decision cleared the way for the university authorities to approve in principal the raising of up to £5 million through the disposal of either a 16th-century bronze , Cain and Abel by de Vries , or a 17th-century landscape , The Banks of a River by van Ruisdael .
17 President-elect Bill Clinton , who takes over from Bush on January 20 , said Mr Bush 's decision gave the message : ‘ If you work for the government you 're above the law . ’
18 The Court 's decision re-ignited the campaign for a constitutional amendment to protect the flag , a process requiring approval by two-thirds of the House and of the Senate and ratification by 38 of the 50 state legislatures .
19 The Friday 's rehearsals followed the pattern of the previous day .
20 The plaintiff 's solicitors sent the security documents to the parents with an accompanying letter advising them to take independent advice .
21 The plaintiff 's solicitors withdrew the application to the tribunal .
22 The 30-year-old former Davis Cup squad member — ranked seventh in Ireland last season — acted as Pied Piper as the Boat Club 's teen-machine reclaimed the title from Belfast rivals Windsor .
23 Though depleted by robbery in Thrace on the way home , Vulso 's loot astonished the Romans for its size and quality .
24 In the Daily Mail , Pamella 's story became the tale of a ‘ sickeningly self-obsessed , utterly immoral and unashamedly amoral … call-girl ’ , ‘ an avaricious , manipulative woman with a beautiful face … a pathetic figure whose life can now only be on a downward slope . ’
25 Jean de Dammartin , in Beaumanoir 's story met the earl of Oxford 's retinue on the road from Dover to London on their way to parliament .
26 The mourner 's story patterned the life of the deceased so that grudges and shortcomings were obliterated by the larger , traditional design .
27 Keturah 's sons became the ancestors of a number of north Arabian peoples .
28 Mr Quinn 's sons completed the contract very efficiently and successfully .
29 This sizeable addition to the king-duke 's possessions necessitated the subordination of the so-called sub-seneschals to the overall authority of the seneschal of Gascony .
30 Canaris dismounted and Schellenberg 's driver held the horse 's reins .
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