Example sentences of "'s [noun] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If a person 's income is above the applicable amount , these rebates will be reduced , producing a loss of 65 per cent of the difference between their income and the applicable amount for rent , and suffering a 20 per cent tapered reduction for rates .
2 Remember Frank Holden 's defence is in the interest of every member of IBOA .
3 For in a similar vein to the criminal ‘ enemy ’ , the researcher 's activities are across the bounds , a challenge to be taken on , attacked , and , destroyed or at least to be denied .
4 Measures may be required to ensure that the patient 's skin is in the best possible condition for healing to take place ( e.g. general hygiene and nutrition are important ) .
5 The dead merchant 's skin was like the cold scales of a fish .
6 If Lascubé 's play was against the laws , how about the fact that English no.8 Dean Richards punched a French player in the match against England in the Championship last year ?
7 First , the arbitrator 's decision is for the disputants a reason for action .
8 There was a band of decisions and you had to say that the parent 's decision was outside the band of reasonableness .
9 He adopted the right test and asked whether in the circumstances this mother 's decision was within the band of what a reasonable mother would do .
10 It appears that access to the flagpole on the bank 's building was via the bedroom of the young couple who rented the flat above .
11 The play 's story was about the change in men which can break deadlock and bring teamwork .
12 The party 's base is in the unions , most of whose members work for the state : for its bloated railways , its idle port authority , the dark light-and-power company , the incompetent civil and education services .
13 Appeal from the Tribunal 's finding is to the Court of Appeal .
14 So far as the privately rented sector was concerned , the government 's proposals were for the automatic decontrol of all dwellings with a rateable value over £40 in London and over £30 in the rest of England and Wales .
15 On the other hand , after seeing what he was doing with his electrified guitar , it is entirely possible that Mr Rossi 's aficionados are of the opinion that they are getting the best of both worlds .
16 George 's hours are in the pre-pack .
17 Lovat 's headquarters 's on the left
18 Ymor 's headquarters were in the Leaning Tower at the junction of Rime Street and Frost Alley .
19 Gloucesterahire 's roads are among the worst in Britain .
20 I suspect that S.A.S. casualties ( like those of other special forces ) suffered from the peculiar problem that many of those wearing the regiment 's badge were on the strength of another formation . ’
21 ‘ So wonderfully pleased and satisfied ’ was he with it that , as Molyneux wrote to Locke , ‘ he has ordered it to be read by the Batchelors in the College , and strictly examines them in their progress therein ’ ; and so it came about that Locke 's masterpiece was on the curriculum which faced George Berkeley , the subject of the next chapter , when he entered Trinity as a student in 1700 .
22 Ted 's apartment was in the East Village , an assortment of dank rooms almost devoid of furniture but with a variety of rugs and cushions and mattresses scattered around the floor .
23 I had a bottle of VP Rich Ruby wine , and Darren 's tablets were in the house , and I had some pain killers .
24 Whatever one 's views are about the most appropriate professional staff to work with older people , the reality is that social works are the influential voice .
25 We do know what Jack 's views were of the Christian and sexual morality : ‘ There is no getting away from it : the Christian rule is ‘ Either marriage , with complete faithfulness to your partner , or else total abstinence . ’
26 ‘ Neil 's heart is in the right place .
27 My hon. Friend 's heart is in the right place , but I do not believe that his precise proposal would have the effect that he has in mind .
28 I think the Labour Party 's heart is in the right place , they want to take a positive approach and do what they can to help industry , to train , to put more money into training youngsters for industry then we have a skill work force , not a cheap , not a cheap unskilled labour force , er , you know , which is what we , what 's happening now , because we 've just not been trained , they 're cutting the training , but it 's all the same , anyway you know , I , I , I do n't know , you say what can I do for ya , well er in the short run not much except to help the , the people who are on lower income and the children through the budget er which will be introduced , it 'll be that why er through er child benefits and through er high , high benefits and through er , er lower taxes for the , everybody up to er twenty odd , twenty five thousand year or something , so , erm I mean that 's in the short run and little that can be done , it 's not as much as anybody would like , you put more and more into , into er , into training , er more money into industry to help them to invest , er you know you can have a sort of regional development banks to help industry to invest these in , in each of the regions , but I mean the , these are the positive plans and not like this one who 's just letting things go .
29 One might claim Simon 's heart was in the right place , but his head — so it appeared to Markby — was all over the place .
30 One wonders how close the cost of Edward 's internment was to the £15 3s. 4½d. paid to Hugh Brice in 1471 for the cerecloth and spices used to embalm his predecessor , Henry VI .
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