Example sentences of "'s [noun] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 In this they reflected the children 's literature of the time as created by authors such as Noel Streatfield , Christine Pullien-Thompson and Enid Blyton .
2 This practice , borrowed from the United States , recognises that until shares are issued they confer no rights at all , and that the rights ultimately attached to them depend on the company 's decision at the time when they are issued .
3 His mouth opened and closed while portraits of notables revolved on some sort of belt contraption behind him and my mind strayed to Phil Collins 's story about the time he went up and asked Steve Davis for an autograph : ‘ He did n't even glance at me , just sent me off to get a pen , and then signed his name , still without looking at me .
4 For more than 30 years Brooklands was the home of hundreds of races , the scene of many record attempts , and the testing ground for manufacturers who were restricted to the 20mph speed limit on Britain 's roads at the time .
5 I notice that Lautro 's rules at the time did not require Lautro to give their members , such as Norwich Union , the opportunity to make representations before serving an intervention notice .
6 As the war approached , her father , Colonel Joshua Murchison had sent her to live with his sister in California It had almost broken Yanto 's heart at the time .
7 What private letters from an artist can do best is to elucidate what was uppermost in an artist 's mind at the time , often artistic aims which would be difficult to discover otherwise .
8 The element of ‘ mens rea ’ — that is to say , what was actually in the accused 's mind at the time of the assault — is of utmost importance .
9 Debbie Kaye , Gedge 's girlfriend at the time , worked hard on the band 's behalf and became a manager-type figure .
10 Among the other girls tested for the part of Amy were 23-year-old Judy Geeson , who had already played a number of cock-teasing roles , and Joie Gould , an English secretary who was Peckinpah 's girlfriend at the time .
11 We are seeking God 's guidance about the time to go to Caux .
12 Similarly , the use of the demonstrative of proximity " this ' can be seen as reflecting the speaker 's perception at the time of the narrated event , in which case the spatial deictic centre is temporarily shifted from the location of the I as speaker to that of the I as character in the story .
13 To make such fraud more difficult a new electoral roll was to be compiled , new voter identification safeguards were to be produced , there was to be access to the electoral commission 's computers at the time of counting , and disputes were to be settled by an electoral court .
14 Erm , but generally , ye I mean cos Eileen and I go to a we nearly always go somewhere like Carriages or you know , somewhere Italian which is , you know , it might , it all depends on what Jim 's eating at the time .
15 It was a command that would result in the slaying of actress of Sharon Tate ( who was pregnant with film director Roman Polanski 's child at the time of her fatal stabbing ) , coffee heiress Abigail Folger and her lover Wojiciech Frykowski , delivery boy Steven Earl Parent and Hollywood hair stylist to the stars , Jay Sebring .
16 Her approach is fruitful in that it explores major issues in women 's poetry of the time and its relation to the literary mainstream .
17 Among them were Mr Reed , Nicholas Wells , who had put the issue together at County , and Martin Gibbs , head of corporate finance at Phillips & Drew , County 's stockbroker at the time , although he has since retired .
18 Similar reactions were reported throughout Africa , where Mandela was already seen as a people 's hero at the time of his imprisonment in 1962 .
19 Jennie was already a dynamic force in John 's business by the time they were married and almost to celebrate it , when he had a publicity brochure printed with engraved illustrations of the dancers , pride of place went to portraits of himself and his bride .
20 B.Butcher , the general secretary of one of the most stable and better run of the local seamen 's organisations of the time , made no bones about his own experience .
21 The plaintiff 's case is that despite the difficulty with the landlord 's consent at the time the contracts were signed , it was made clear to them by Mr at this stage that that ought to be a formality and no one anticipated to expect this .
22 And I had read many of Miss Hayes-Drummond 's pieces in The Times — admirably rational , objective and sincere .
23 In last Friday 's edition of The Times , the shadow Foreign Secretary stated that Labour would ’ review ’ the ’ role and powers of the European Commission work for conditions to make the single currency possible and attractive ’ .
24 The song , featuring several different sections , was a fine summary of the band 's sound at the time .
25 As a result he has here resolved many conundrums about Ferrier 's professional career , and where possible answered queries about recording dates — though even he can not clear up discrepancies about what appears in Ferrier 's diaries on recording dates and what is to be found in Decca 's schedules of the time .
26 I recognised Lingary 's name from the times Andy had talked about the Falklands ; he 'd been Andy 's CO , the one Andy blamed for the deaths of some of his men .
27 As Gandalf points out , all Sauron and Saruman and the orcs have done between them is ‘ bring Pippin and Merry with marvellous speed , and in the nick of time , to Fangorn , where otherwise they would never have come at all ! ’ — and so , one might say , though it is beyond Gandalf 's knowledge at the time , to rouse the Ents , overthrow Saruman , save Rohan , and free Théoden to make his decisive intervention at Minas Tirith .
28 An example of such a condition would be if , to the buyer 's knowledge at the time the contract was made , the seller was not the owner of the goods .
29 As I said earlier , name identification campaigns are routine in the United States but not so common in Europe , although there have been cases where a candidate has been so successfully promoted that he has won , despite his local party 's unpopularity at the time .
30 Sighvat was in Olaf 's service at the time , and his Vestrfararvísur ( Western Travel Verses ) name Earl Hakon , son of Earl Eric of Lade , as acting with Cnut , and speak repeatedly of money offered to Olaf 's men , while the Tøgdrápa of Thorarin Praise-Tongue , who apparently sailed with Cnut 's fleet , indicates that he went first to Denmark to assemble his ships in the Limfjord in Jutland , and then proceeded north along the Norwegian coast to Trondheim .
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