Example sentences of "not only [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Work that not only calls for construction skills but also presents opportunities for BICC to supply power , telecommunications and control cable systems — another major part of our worldwide business operation .
2 There the register-keeper was well and truly confused , since he not only referred to children of ‘ Charles William Titford , Linen Draper , Bishopsgate Street ’ — a nomenclature which we are used to by now — but also made an error when it came to wife Anne 's name — she appears as ‘ Mary ’ .
3 In other words , Bukharin completely forgot that the extended reproduction … must not only lead to growth of c and v but also to that of α , i.e. to the growth of the individual consumption of the capitalists .
4 And I think this is a pretty critical problem , and of course it 's not only based on Sussex schools , but it 's based on a number of schools throughout the country which we 're studying to see the effects of this programme .
5 They are not only based on nature , they copy nature , line almost for line .
6 The ancestral obligations of Gascon nobles , recorded in the Recognicionesfeodorum , were not only strengthened by Edward I 's Gascon visits of 1273–4 and 1286–9 .
7 Nothing daunted , Havelock Wilson , having just returned from his foreign travels , accompanied by Tom Mann , recently released from gaol following a term of imprisonment for inciting troops to mutiny , set off to visit four or five provincial ports , not only to appeal for funds for the London men , but also to persuade workers at these ports to join in and make the strike a national one .
8 But this is not only achieved by force , for there are also ‘ ideological state apparatuses ’ , such as the education system , religion and the family , which maintain the status quo in more subtle ways .
9 Much more important is the fact that Mr Constantin Oancea , the man who dealt with Hungarian relations at the Romanian foreign ministry in Ceausescu 's time , has not only remained in post but appears to have been promoted .
10 However , ta'kwakomena not only refers to responsibility , but to personal autonomy in general .
11 Martha could feel now that her toes were not only wet with sweat but also sticky with blood .
12 These kids not only knew about rock'n'roll , they could play it .
13 Earth not only grew by aggregation from a cloud of particles , but by collisions with other cosmic matter .
14 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
15 They were not only pressed into service , but were forced to become Muslims and to learn Turkish , and they were not allowed to marry .
16 Graduates not only contribute to industry with their knowledge and practical experience of current practice and methodologies , they bring new ideas to that industry .
17 The APB is not only looking for comments on its proposed redefinition of the role and scope of audit .
18 Mark Ilott was in the original 12 , yet when Alan Igglesden broke down at practice the day before the match , they not only called up Phillip DeFreitas , they also played him in front of Ilott .
19 He not only saw off no-confidence motions , but won the Congress round to supporting direct elections for an executive presidency .
20 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
21 In many parts of the Asian elephants ' range the slaughter began with the coming of colonial man , who not only shot for sport but also cleared the forest for rubber and other crops and naturally did not want elephants to undo his good work .
22 We 're not only catering for Harlow people we are catering for people outside which is bringing money into Harlow helping the finance of Harlow and I think we are just progressing with the times .
23 Specifically , this means not only taking into account man 's obvious close evolutionary ties with the chimpanzee and gorilla , but also his rather less obvious resemblance to another primate , the gelada baboon .
24 The statue is a fine example of early Imperial art but in a poor state of conservation ; the surface was not only covered in earth and partly oxidised but badly corroded .
25 The next day in the House of Commons he was able not only to listen to tributes to himself — a rare experience normally confined to a man 's widow — but to perform the role of an out-of-season Father Christmas .
26 This is , without doubt , a book for professionals who are not only thinking about quality , but who want to instill a fundamental change in the way people think about and do their work .
27 MacLauchlan not only recorded with precision details of many ancient monuments , some of which have since been destroyed , but also provided accompanying texts based on his sound observations .
28 Of course , for more leisurely days , you can make use of the thrifty slow cooking facility , which not only saves on gas , but can help to retain the goodness of the food .
29 POU family proteins may not only function as transcription factors .
30 Computers are not only employed as tools for use within organizations .
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