Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 An interlocutory injunction was sought , but not granted by the court , where it was said that there had been a breach , but that an injunction would not be granted on a balance of convenience .
32 In an effort to tighten up the administration of poor relief the Local Government Board issued a circular in 1871 to the effect that outdoor relief should not be granted to the able-bodied widow with one child .
33 The politician-official distinction should not be equated with a policy-making-implementation distinction .
34 Reviewing the arguments presented earlier , it would seem that the lack of local politics in the post-war period should not be equated with the turning of local government into mere agents of the centre ; nor should it be seen as the result of non-local structural forces promoting change on a national basis .
35 Tillich holds that symbols in themselves can not be equated with the Ultimate nor can they be regarded as fully expressing the Ultimate .
36 But grammar can not be equated with the devices used to exemplify its formal properties .
37 In that case , the sum of the values of the parts of a thing should not be equated with the sum of the values they would have had outside that whole .
38 However , the intelligentsia can not be equated with the ruling stratum in communist societies .
39 The 1970's can not be concluded without a reference to some of the societies who have enjoyed a special relationship with Henley and which started in this decade .
40 It was now clear that the Council could not be concluded in a single session .
41 They realised that the activity could not be subsumed into a set of procedures which would be valid in every case — " the rationale for the teaching of reading is always in evolution for the teacher . "
42 Such criteria of vulnerability should not be built-in by the programmer .
43 These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks .
44 Inter alia , the Inland Revenue are reluctant to grant clearance where the consideration is loan stock and is redeemable within a relatively short period , and clearance is usually given only if the loan notes can not be redeemed within the first six months after issue .
45 It has been held that the court is able to order a sale of mortgaged property against the lender 's wishes even though the mortgage will not be redeemed by the proceeds , if it would be unfair to the borrowers to postpone a sale ( p 100 ) .
46 The Court of Appeal has decided that the Court has unfettered discretion to order a sale of mortgaged property against the lender 's wishes even though the mortgage will not be redeemed by the proceeds , if it would be unfair to the borrowers to postpone a sale ( see Palk v Mortgage Services Funding plc [ 1992 ] , The Times , 7 August ) .
47 The Dogon were aware that the planet Saturn had rings and that the planet Jupiter had four moons , which are pieces of information that can not be obtained without the use of a telescope — an artefact the Dogon have yet to discover .
48 ( d ) The warrant is necessary , for example , because consent could not be obtained for the search or the element of surprise is necessary .
49 If a meaning can not be obtained from the context , consult a dictionary which provides archaic meanings .
50 In this way a genuine , inward understanding of that work is obtained by the shadow , which could not be obtained by a simple briefing or organized visit .
51 Voting did not therefore need to be repeated in two polling areas , as the Constitutional Court had ordered in the event that the necessary documentation could not be obtained by the Murcia court .
52 Political consent can not be obtained in a community where a large minority deny the legitimacy of the state .
53 To the extent that such rights and privileges are to be found in the Bill of Rights , in my judgment they will not be infringed for the reasons which I have given .
54 It is of the utmost importance that the Rawlsian method of argument requiring unanimity behind the veil of ignorance should not be defended on the ground that otherwise the resulting principles would not be fair because unanimity is a condition of fairness , or by any other moral argument .
55 Cruelty often has a hidden sexual element which may or may not be evinced in the actual nature of the offence .
56 In particular , contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase .
57 Those who supported the document accepted that economic reform could not be realized without an integrated market , but they also urged the strengthening of the state role in fiscal , monetary , tax and foreign relations policy ; while they were not against private ownership they favoured state ownership in industries which were of " economic interest " .
58 Similarly the effectiveness of export-led growth in the British case can not be squared with the continued rise of import penetration and the level of domestic demand which this represented .
59 This type of skepticism had been sustained by the knowledge that the mathematical devices used by Ptolemy could not be squared with the homocentric spheres of Aristotelian cosmology .
60 Obviously , when a post can not be filled by a British executive because it requires a more cosmopolitan background a client would turn to headhunters with a strong overseas network ; and there was a general feeling that in these cases long-established major international search firms were preferable .
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