Example sentences of "not be [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only market failure can justify vertical integration , for example where F is one of a limited number of sources of a critical supply , or where the supplier-customer relationship requires trust and secrecy which can not be secured at arm 's length .
2 Bryan Robson , so crucial to United 's championship campaign , will also probably be missing , as he will not be risked at Wembley unless he is 100 per cent fit , which seems unlikely .
3 I 'd rather run against the world champion and finish sixth in a good race in Aberdeen than win by 50 metres and not be pushed at Middlesbrough . ’
4 Marriages can not be ended at will or whim .
5 Focusing on effectiveness and outcomes as a basis for decisions on rationing is a desirable aim that can not be achieved at present when so much of health care is unevaluated .
6 Voice of Israel radio said that Israel wanted US Defence Secretary Richard Cheney to submit a written commitment to Congress that the aircraft would not be placed at air bases close to Israel and would not , under any circumstances , attack Israel .
7 The Basque provinces , though they could not be taxed at will , were persuaded by Philip and his successors to provide the monarchy with considerable sums in the form of free gifts ( servicios ) .
8 Access to such sites is often obscure , possibly only by a footpath which may not be noticed at ground level .
9 Chapters Four to Seven , which present the research findings , examine : whether the project made any difference to those who received it , compared with those who did not , in terms of institutionalisation , mental or emotional well-being , self-care capacity or receipt of other community services ( Chapter Four ) ; the effects of the project upon the principal informal carers of the dementia sufferers ( Chapter Five ) ; the major costs of community care for those receiving or not receiving support from the project ( Chapter Six ) ; and the limits to care , that is , the characteristics or circumstances of those who could not be supported at home for long even with the Home Support Project ( Chapter Seven ) .
10 In respect of registered land , a transferee will not be concerned with the amount of stamp duty imposed on documents prior to the transfer to him ; the registrar is under a duty to check the sufficiency of the stamping on a document affecting registered land ( Stamp Act 1891 , s17 ) , so that an instrument can not be registered at HM Land Registry unless correctly stamped .
11 The true prevalence of the visual finding of endometriosis can not be determined at present because such studies require random operative intervention and are therefore unethical .
12 This is normally set at the purchase price or the upper limit of the price if this can not be determined at completion .
13 Prison Officer , Ron Adams , explains how he has worked at Risley and Strangeways and hopes past trouble there will not be repeated at Bullingdon .
14 Prison Officer , Ron Adams , explains how he has worked at Risley and Strangeways and hopes past trouble there will not be repeated at Bullingdon .
15 A.3.1 The Vendor can only warrant facts as at exchange : they should not be repeated at Completion .
16 The truth of this belief can not be tested at present .
17 Four agents were detected in less than three patients each , however , and could threfore not be tested at 5% significance level .
18 The same can not be said at Ford , which expects to cut 2,000 more white-collar jobs on top of yesterday 's 1,180 .
19 Assessment can not be made at birth because antibodies to HIV from the mother cross the placenta , and though these would be detected in an HIV antibody test , it would not show whether the baby itself was infected .
20 This is because kinship links are strongly morally and socially charged , while those between worker and employer are impersonal , because kinship implies reciprocal rights and duties while the capitalist has all the rights and the worker all the duties , because kinship links can not be broken at will while those of the labour market can , and because , as Marx and Engels wrongly believed , kinship links are egalitarian and non-exploitative ; that is , they do not involve one group of people living on the back of another .
21 Thessy and I would have a chance to strengthen the rigging during our two-week trial period with the twins , but some jobs simply could not be done at sea .
22 For example , it gave news of ships in peril that could be seen from Fanefjord but not from Elmelunde ; of fires raging in the forest near Magleby that could not be seen at Børre ; of women in labour , requiring the services of a midwife .
23 Regrettably awnings can not be accepted at Sandaway. 500 yards walk to Combe Martin .
24 The statistics mentioned by the authorities could not be accepted at face value .
25 The stated goals of actors or groups can not be accepted at face value since such statements may be the simple camouflage of more sinister or at least less acceptable policy goals .
26 The premium will not be raised at Christie 's South Kensington or in Scotland .
27 Our previous work has shown that actinomycin binding to T 9 GCA 9 is different to ( AT ) n GC(AT) n since the footprinting with the former can not be detected at 4°C [ 25 ] .
28 Longer addressing times are possible because the display need not be refreshed at TV frequencies while it is read on the screen .
29 Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law .
30 And the value-for-money aspect can not be overlooked at present .
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