Example sentences of "not be [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the day on which 6,500 redundancy notices were delivered to army personnel , Grampian Enterprise confirmed it would not be renewing the grant when the 18-month contract runs out in March .
2 He approached the county councillor and poet , Francis Thomas , and told him he would not be renewing the lease on Tybrith as they had now outgrown it .
3 Perhaps sometime I 'll be able to devise a way round my official non-existence and apply for a gun myself , though even then , all things considered , I might not be granted a licence .
4 Child rearing is more ‘ permissive ’ , and while children may not be granted the status of equal partners in the family decision-making process , they are no longer simply expected to be seen and not heard .
5 The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has announced that it will not be tightening the standard for low-level ozone , the principal ingredient of smog .
6 The budget need not be balanced every year but should be balanced over the trade cycle , with surpluses in booms and deficits in slumps .
7 This may be true , but he should not be clouding the issue with irrelevant gibes at the ‘ competition . ’
8 People like those keen gardeners who talk to their flowers and love them , may not be helping the flowers but they are doing themselves much good , for love benefits the lover more than the loved .
9 Is he aware that had the Government encouraged investment in slaughtering facilities , we would not be exporting the jobs that are now being lost ?
10 If an individual item can not be matched the wording of this clause should be brought to the attention of the policyholder .
11 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
12 The man may or may not be earning a wage ; he may not understand the particular needs of the children .
13 The pluralist answer to these arguments would not be to deny the existence of conflict ; on the contrary , one of the great virtues of the pluralist model in the eyes of its proponents is the emphasis on the positive benefits of conflict and diversity within a society .
14 Senior Shadow Cabinet sources indicated last night that Mrs Margaret Beckett , spokesman on Treasury affairs , would not be seeking the deputy leadership as part of a ‘ dream ticket ’ with John Smith .
15 Last week Dr Feeney , who has just completed a lecture tour of the States , let it be known he would not be seeking the SDLP nomination to contest the Oldpark ward in North Belfast .
16 All the same , Reader 's Digest is a successful publishing house and it seems to me that the company would not be producing the book if it were not convinced that there is a big market for such works .
17 On proximal joints the dorsal arm spines from one side of the arm form a continuous series with those from the other , but this can not be called a fan in the sense used in other genera of the Ophiacanthidae .
18 This argument can be criticized on the grounds that a state bureaucracy can not be called a class .
19 Similarly , an excess of payments over receipts can not be called a loss because apart from anything else the payments might include the acquisition of assets .
20 and they 'll not er , they 'll not , people 'll not be using the buses as often like .
21 He also announced that the South African team would not be using the country 's current national anthem but the Olympic hymn , Beethoven 's " Ode to Joy " , and unveiled the flag under which the team would compete .
22 Thus , if there is an outright transfer of the matrimonial home to the wife subject to the existing mortgage ( see Chapters 3 , 4 and 7 ) or the matrimonial home is held on certain terms and conditions ( see Chapter 6 ) then the occupant wife should be made responsible for the mortgage payments ( the husband would not be using the house as his only or main residence and so would not be eligible for interest relief ) .
23 A speaker from the floor said Thompson should not be using the term ‘ NVQ ’ ( National Vocational Qualification ) but in ‘ VQ ’ in case of offending the Scots at the conference , who of course have ‘ SVQs ’ .
24 Marketing director Tony Gledhill says the company will not be using an ad agency to launch the range but will stay below the line with recently appointed PR agency Smart Communications .
25 ‘ Even assuming a genuine ecclesiastic use of the chapel following demolition of the remainder , it can not be said the church as such is still in ecclesiastical use or would be but for the works . ’
26 If my hon. Friend has any evidence that other countries might not be implementing the regulations as carefully as we are , we shall certainly take action .
27 And here was I , thinking you could not be building a roof without nails .
28 The mummified corpses , which Sadat decreed should not be made a spectacle of , include those of Seti I , Segnere III and Ramses II .
29 She could not bind herself personally , with the result that she could not be made a bankrupt , unless she was carrying on a trade .
30 The one can not be made a substitute for the other ; indeed , any failure in right conduct inevitably brings about a downfall in right beliefs .
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