Example sentences of "not been [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The offence was alleged to have been committed in Perth on 4 February of last year but the defence counsel , Graham Bell , QC , pointed out that the complaint had not been served until 14 February this year .
2 Televising of tobacco-sponsored events : Tobacco-sponsored sport has not been televised since 1987 by the independent companies .
3 In some places the books had not been touched for hundreds of years and could hardly be seen for dust .
4 This turned out to be something of a red herring as the official duty rate has not been applied since 1987 and in the meantime the temporary rate has already been 50 per cent less .
5 Although remaining on the statute books , Nemery 's version had not been applied since 1985 .
6 The Slovak government initially claimed that they had been planted by the federal authorities in the 1980s and had not been functioning since 1989 .
7 Evidence that total androgen blockade ( castration plus an androgen antagonist ) is more effective than castration alone has not been confirmed in two other trials .
8 The right of an editor to trial by jury is one reason why this law has not been invoked since 1947 : no government will risk the embarrassment of an acquittal .
9 Back came all the romance of train travel that had not been seen for fifty years .
10 The 70-year-old has not been seen for four weeks since leaving the Robert Huggins home for the elderly in Acklam .
11 Gateways were opening up here in Salt Lake , and things would be coming through the like of which had not been seen for thousands of years .
12 The wide-field/planetary camera has produced its share of dramatic pictures , including detailed ones of a storm on Saturn the like of which has not been seen for 60 years .
13 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
14 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
15 ‘ Monsieur Gebrec has not been seen since nine-thirty this morning , ’ said Melissa .
16 The historical ruler , who might or might not have made disastrous political mistakes , gave way to the woman who might or might not have written the Casket Letters ; and scholars plunged into the absorbing task of deciding whether letters whose originals had not been seen since 1584 , and whose texts had been translated from French into Scots and then back into French , were forgeries or not .
17 The department ‘ s syllabus has not been revised for five years and perhaps is ready for a revision .
18 If enquiries in such cases have not been completed within 3 months ( for registered and insured letters ) or 6 months ( for ordinary letters ) then we will normally settle the claim ourselves .
19 It 's not been fed for two years has it , so
20 To be fair to Lewis , he followed instructions more closely than in the past and jabbed his way in before breaking up Dixon , who had not been stopped in 15 fights .
21 A heating expert said the boiler had not been serviced for twenty five years , and the flue was blocked .
22 Head circumference had not been recorded for 137 men , but this could be estimated from the two head diameters by using the regression equation derived from the 1042 records which included the circumference and both diameters .
23 As between two registrable charges which have not been registered within 21 days , the first to register will obtain priority and a charge is not void against a person taking an interest in property which is made expressly subject to the charge .
24 In legal terms it seemed that he was free to intervene ; his claim to exercise sovereignty in Aquitaine had not been renounced in 1360 .
25 It has also been remarkable , in the past few weeks , that people who had not been born in 1953 have been conspicuous at the anniversary celebrations .
26 If such an agreement had not been reached within 18 months , the government of Quebec would hold a referendum on the issue of independence .
27 It would have made no difference at all if it had not been received until 11 .
28 This simple audit , which took less than nine hours , has led us , as a first step , to chase up all notes that have not been received within 12 weeks .
29 Answer guide : This is something the student has not been exposed to 80 it is useful to let them discuss how they would treat the transaction in detail so they can work out for themselves the principles involved .
30 It seemed a wise precaution to lunge him first , as he had not been ridden for three days , and this was accomplished in a corner of the field without either difficulties or a great deal of finesse .
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