Example sentences of "not in any [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , he thought it necessary , and we agree , in the context of this case , to attempt to satisfy us that the United Kingdom is not in any event in breach of the Convention . ’
2 They are not in any way to be interpreted as qualitative judgments .
3 On March 26 , 1952 , they signed the agreement now sued upon which has three clauses : ‘ ( 1 ) the husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance a weekly sum of One Pound Ten Shillings to be paid every four weeks during the joint lives of the parties so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder to be made on the Fifteenth day of April 1952. ( 2 ) The wife will out of the said weekly sum or otherwise support and maintain herself and will indemnify the husband against all debts to be incurred by her and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband 's credit .
4 It 's not in any way in competition with ni with er apostle 's creed or anything else , it 's a quite different er er er er animal .
5 not in any way in competition with ni with er apostle 's creed or anything else .
6 There are cases not in any way in doubt on this appeal which establish the general proposition that a foetus enjoys , while still a foetus , no independent legal personality — a foetus can not , while a foetus , sue and can not be made a ward of court : see Paton v. British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [ 1979 ] Q.B .
7 But the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia enables us to see that these two equally-well-attested interpretations are not in any way in conflict with one another because in the latent content of paranoia we find both a tendency to symbolize the father as the sun and a delusion of persecution concerning him which in a typically paranoid way denies the homosexual factor by saying I do not love him , he hates me .
8 Just as the most penetrating analysis of the human problems behind double blind drug trials is to be found not in any treatise of medical ethics but in John Rowan Wilson 's novel The Double Blind ( 1961 ) , so the stern and rigorous standards of experimental science are uniquely illustrated in Arrowsmith .
9 As we go on in our faith , we may be led into areas ‘ beyond reason ’ , but what we mean by this is beyond humanly discernible reasons and not in any sense against reason .
10 The perfect world they sought lay in the individual and not in any dream of an idyllic country life .
11 So the president tries to encapsulate the national interest to embody the common good and he puts forward policies , not in any spirit of er personal or partisan advantage , but simply for the good of the nation .
12 The reason for this lay not in any assessment of the rival claims , but in his unwavering determination to bring Normandy under his rule .
13 However , the power of critical thought lies not in any aspiration towards ‘ absolute truth ’ ( for which Horkheimer criticizes bourgeois methods ) but in its merging of the experience and action of the thinker and the categories available to consciousness .
14 But , there are 90% more of us than them , so the retention of our culture and our languages is not in any danger at all .
15 Entitled ‘ Towards a humane , democratic socialism ’ , the Declaration insisted , as Gorbachev had done , that the origins of Soviet difficulties were to be found , not in any deficiency of the socialist idea itself , but in the deformations to which it had been subjected in the past .
16 Willi did n't know the meaning of restraint , not in any aspect of his life .
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